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Cheat Sheets Matching "Deep Learning"

100 Cheat Sheets

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6 Pages
This all about Q and A for DS IQs
3 Oct 20
2 Pages
Neural Networks for Machine Learning - showing neural networks types, applications, weight updates, python source code and links.
28 Dec 17, updated 1 Jan 18
python, machine, learning, networks, neural and 3 more ...
6 Pages
2 Pages
A cheat sheet for the most frequently asked Java Interview Questions
21 Dec 17
5 Pages
2 Pages
Quotes from the Movie Matrix
13 Jul 18, updated 14 Jul 18
3 Pages
10 ways in which to reduce the risk of Legionnaires' disease
26 Aug 18
2 Pages
1 Page
College professors are a strange bunch as a collective group, and they usually fall into one of a few categories. Over the course of your college career, it's almost a guarantee you'll be sitting in a classroom with some of the following personalities running the show at some point.
17 Sep 18, updated 5 Oct 18
3 Pages
Translating Between Statistics and Machine Learning
4 Dec 18, updated 24 Aug 20
1 Page
6 Pages
CPCU 500_CH.10_Study Guide
20 Jan 21
3 Pages
  by Dataquest
It’s common when first learning pandas to have trouble remembering all the functions and methods that you need, and it's nice to have a handy reference, so we've hope this cheat sheet will help you out
12 Mar 20
python, science, data, cheatsheet, cheat and 3 more ...
1 Page
3 Pages
4 Pages
1 Page
You’re standing in a long line at the grocery store, they are having problems with their registers and it is almost dinner time. You have your daughter in the cart that starts to realize she is getting hungry and bored. She starts moving around and complaining, which you know are the signs that if you don’t do something now, a meltdown is about to happen. What do you do? Reach for your iPhone and put on one of these fun learning apps: problem solved.
3 Jan 19
3 Pages
1 Page
To help you study for a test or for fun!
8 Apr 19
3 Pages
Your guide to learning number words in Rohingya
29 Feb 20
10 Pages
Basic German English Cheatsheet
6 Nov 19, updated 18 Nov 19
language, english, german, beginner, basic and 6 more ...
2 Pages
3 Pages
Various commands, directories, tips and tricks for Linux sys admin'ing
24 Sep 19, updated 4 Dec 19
21 Pages
AWS Certification comprehends a lot of topics & a broad array of services. Further, these also include every tiny detail for features, patterns, anti-patterns & their integration with other services. This is just a quick synopsis of all the services category-wise & key points for a quick glance before you appear for the exam along with recommended security best practices.
17 Oct 20, updated 23 Jun 22
2 Pages
1 Page
Entails the basics on the approaches, SOCIAL, BIOLOGICAL, COGNITIVE and LEARNING.
7 May 20
a, basics, social, learning, psychology and 4 more ...
3 Pages
Your CV is the initial chance to grab an employer/recruiter’s attention and could make or break your chances of finding a new job in the UK. But how do you write a great one? Here is a step by step guide to writing a great CV which includes expert advice, a free CV template and brilliant tips!
3 Mar 20, updated 5 Mar 20
interview, jobs, cvs, cv, job and 3 more ...
5 Pages
Cheat Sheet for whole DL
3 Oct 20
3 Pages
Aquesta Cheetsheet és fruit del curs d'Indústria 4.0, Bloc 3, Intel·ligència Artificial del Departament d'Educació.
23 Mar 21
6 Pages
Overview of the rules from both French I and French II
10 Dec 19, updated 16 Dec 19
2 Pages
2 Pages
1 Page
2 Pages
2 Pages
This is a Cheat sheet for Scikit-Learn
22 Mar 20
5 Pages
Cheatsheet for chapter 6-10 of AP Psychology I accidentally put a block twice, sorry :(
13 May 20
1 Page
1 Page
Definition, recomendations and techniques to give feedback in a ESL classroom for adults.
6 May 20
6 Pages
AP Psychology cheat sheet for chapters 1-5
12 May 20
16 Pages
This will aid in studying for the Intro to Psychology.
9 Feb 21
35 Pages
Lovely try to feel the studying necessity. Hopefully this will help someone out there.
10 Jan 23
german, deutsch, studio, help, best and 14 more ...
3 Pages
Serious causes of HA, S&S and management
16 May 20, updated 7 May 21
4 Pages
Common HA/less serious causes
15 May 20, updated 7 May 21
7 Pages
Tetanus is an infection characterized by a state of generalized hypertonia that manifests in the form of painful muscle spasms of the jaw and neck caused by the toxin-producing anaerobe *Clostridium tetani* found mainly in the soil. We will cover pathogenesis, risk factors, clinical presentation, management and complications associated with tetanus.
10 Jun 20
1 Page
A virtual environment is a Python tool for dependency management and project isolation. They allow Python site packages (third party libraries) to be installed locally in an isolated directory for a particular project.
4 Jul 20
python, poetry, virtualenv, conda, anaconda and 2 more ...
2 Pages
Es coneix com a IA la disciplina que tracta de crear màquines intel·ligents, de manera que siguin capaces d'enraonar, comprendre i produir els mateixos resultats que els humans
19 Mar 21
3 Pages
The most important information you need to know before taking the Certified Junior Project Manager (CJPM) certification exam, by the International Association of Project Managers (IAPM).
14 Oct 20, updated 29 Jun 22
26 Pages
Summary of the cognitive development in infancy and toddlerhood
9 Mar 21
7 Pages
Everything on every unit.
23 Feb 21
1 Page
Are you a command line user? Do you long-running jobs via the terminal you don't want to close even if you accidentally lose your connection? If so, tmux is for you!
14 Sep 20, updated 12 Jan 23
8 Pages
3 Pages
The most important information you need to know before taking the Certified Junior Agile Project Manager (CJAPM) certification exam, by the International Association of Project Managers (IAPM).
28 Oct 20, updated 29 Jun 22
16 Pages
5 Pages
The most important information you need to know before taking the Certified Project Manager (CPM) certification exam, by the International Association of Project Managers (IAPM).
18 Nov 20, updated 22 Aug 22
1 Page
for nvidia transfer learning
14 Nov 20
4 Pages
Achilles tendinopathy - presentation, management, classification
2 Nov 21
1 Page
It brings a compute capability closer to the source of the data to edge devices.
10 Nov 20, updated 2 Dec 21
4 Pages
Basics of both the CNS and PNS
1 Apr 21
4 Pages
The most important information you need to know before taking the Certified Senior Project Manager (CSPM) certification exam, by the International Association of Project Managers (IAPM).
11 Mar 21, updated 10 Mar 22
4 Pages
test 1 Dr. Cheung, midterm
3 Mar 21
2 Pages
muscle functions and where to find
3 Mar 21
24 Pages
Overview of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, their diseases and the drugs used to treat them including adverse effects.
1 Mar 21
3 Pages
Supervised Learning in R: Regression
28 May 21
3 Pages
Cheat sheet of some basic literary terms to keep in mind while reading literature. All of this was taken from the Purdue OWL for personal use.
15 Mar 21
2 Pages
Guidelines from the book "Clean Machine Learning Code" by Moussa Taifi and from PEP8
25 Mar 21, updated 26 Mar 21
1 Page
This cheat sheet takes on the concept of feedback in an English as a Second Language or Foreign Language classroom. It includes its definition, its purpose, some recommendations, and a few techniques to display it. Enjoy!
18 May 21
7 Pages
Essential of Data Structures and Algorithms!
30 Mar 21
4 Pages
3 May 21, updated 4 May 21
5 Pages
This is cheat sheet for Postman Script in Postman-Advance course
7 May 21, updated 25 Feb 23
1 Page
Overview of AWS Core Service Options
25 May 21
2 Pages
french verbs for learning french
4 Aug 21, updated 9 Aug 21