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A cheat sheet for making cheat sheets on Cheatography.


Blocks are organised into columns by you.
PDFs organise blocks into columns automa­tic­ally.
Try to keep the columns roughly even in length - it makes the cheat sheets easier to use online.

Plain Text Block

This is an example of a plain text block, filled with example content. Text in these blocks is added as-is, including

line breaks.

Code Block

  // This is a code block.
  // It preserves indentation and 
  // uses a monospaced font.

One Column Block

This is a one-column block.
It's useful for listing long items.
It can also be useful for sequences of steps or commands in progra­mming cheat sheets or recipes.
Rows have altern­ating background colours to make the cheat sheet easier to read.

Two Column Block

Block Type:
Two Columns
Useful For:
Key / Value Pairs
Lists of small items
Multi-­Column Items
If you have an item in column 1 but not column 2, it will span both columns.

Three Column Block

These blocks are great for saving space when using lists of small items.

Also, this is the first example of a "­content note", which appears under a content block.

Four Column Block

Much like the three column block, the four column block is handy for saving space when using lists of small items.

Question and Answer Block

What is this?
A Q&A block displays each question with the answer indented undern­eath.
When is it useful?
It's great for question and answer content!

Bar Chart Block

The bar chart block takes labels and numbers and generates a chart like the above.


Use tags - they help people find your cheat sheet!
Pick a dark colour - it makes your cheat sheet easier to read.
Write a good descri­ption so people know what's on your cheat sheet.
Tell people about it when you're finished!

Image Block

The image block is just an image, displayed in a block. In the live version of a cheat sheet (not the PDF) you can click on an image for full size.

Video Block

Video can be pulled in from YouTube or Vimeo, and will be shown on the website but not on the PDFs.

Live Content Block

A "live conten­t" block pulls its content from a URL, in a specific format. It's great for anything that changes regularly, like live statis­tics, up-to-­the­-minute sports results and tables, stock and share prices, TV schedules and even traffic and weather reports.


Icons work in block titles as well as content. There is a cheat sheet for Font Awesome icons at http:/­/ww­w.c­hea­tog­rap­hy.c­om­/da­vec­hil­d/c­hea­t-s­hee­ts/­fon­t-a­wesome/

Text Alignment

Align text left (default)
Align text centrally
Align text right


Add thin border all round
Add thin border at bottom
Add thin border on right
Add thin border on left
Add thin border at top
Border Widths
Add thin border at top
Add medium border at top
Add thick border at top

Spanning Cells

Span Two Cells
Span Three Rows
Span Two Rows and Two Cells

Formatting Options

Italics (example)
Bold (example)
Supers­cript (example)
Subscript (example)
Strike­through (example)
Inline Code (
Asterisk (*)
Carat (^)
Sometimes you want to use a "­*" or "­^" in your content. Add a backslash before those characters (as an escape character) to tell Cheato­graphy to treat them as normal text instead of special formatting charac­ters, like this: \* \^

Breaks and Spacing

Insert non-br­eaking space
Line break
Do not insert shy hyphens
Do not break long lines (only in list blocks)
Do not format text
Set column width to 50% (any number from 1 to 100, must be in first row of block).


Popup URL provided
{{popup="http://..."}}link text{{/popup}}
Link to URL provided
{{link="http://..."}}link text{{/link}}


Add {{counter}} to a title or cell, it will display an incrementing number in your cheat sheet. Use {{resetcounter}} to set the counter back to 1.


You can only publish a cheat sheet once.
Before that, anybody can see it but it is marked as a "­DRA­FT".
Newly published cheat sheets are prominent on Cheato­graphy, so make the most of publishing and wait until you're happy with the cheat sheet!
You can still edit a cheat sheet after you've published it.
You can't unpublish a cheat sheet once it's been published.

Language Support

Cheato­graphy supports all languages, as best we can manage.
This means that the web versions of cheat sheets support all of the languages we've seen so far, including Chinese and Japanese.
We're working on right-­to-left language support.

Rating Guidelines

Not sure what rating to give? Here are some tips to help you rate fairly and consis­tently.
Superb. A great guide, likely to be useful to anyone interested in the topic. Probably well presented, at least a page long, and uses tags.
A good cheat sheet, with lots of useful inform­ation. Worth printing out a copy!
A decent cheat sheet, but missing some useful inform­ation. A useful reference, but could do with some improv­ement.
Room for improv­ement - probably not useful yet, but has potential with some more work.
A poor cheat sheet, likely accide­ntally published too soon, doesn't have much useful content, contains abuse, or with other serious problems.

Rating Tips

If someone has rated one of your cheat sheets, please consider rating one of theirs.
Avoid "­revenge rating­s". If you receive a low rating, bear in mind that not everyone will find your cheat sheets as useful as you do!
Feel free to leave a shout for another user to ask for more inform­ation about why they left the rating they did.


How do you end a link tag?

DaveChild DaveChild, 15:46 12 Nov 14

Hi bradrer. Sorry for the slow reply! You don't end a link tag - when you link some text the whole piece of text that follows it will be linked.

DaveChild DaveChild, 11:22 19 Feb 15

Hi bradrer. You can now link specific text, like this: {{link="http://..."}}link text{{/link}}

jgmon jgmon, 16:30 20 Sep 18

link not found

DarrinC DarrinC, 22:05 7 Dec 20

Sorry if this was already covered, but the use of colored text rather than plain black is a problem for those of us with less than perfect eyesight, I wish the B&W versions of these were better. I have a decent color laser and the prints of some of the sheets on this site are nearly unreadable under normal lighting. I've tried various settings in the print dialog, telling it to print B&W helps a little...

DarrinC DarrinC, 22:07 7 Dec 20

Edit to add: Text on pretty shaded backgrounds seems like a nice idea but reduces readability.

mallowy mallowy, 12:14 22 Feb 22

I have been trying to create a cheat sheet but every time I name the sheet I just get a page not found message with "Your cheat sheet was saved." message beneath it. But when I go to my account there is no cheat sheet.

mindhackdiva mindhackdiva, 21:47 11 Apr 23

So I'm not seeing where to make this cheatsheet. I hit create new cheat sheet but all i see are cheat sheets already made and no where to begin. this is frustrating.

Are you really working on "left-to-right language support," or "right-to-left language support?" It looks like you support English, which is left-to-right, quite well. :)

DaveChild DaveChild, 17:05 27 Aug 14

Whoops! Well spotted, I've fixed that.

I have a question about the links - they don't seem to work for me. when i place the {{popup=""}} tag anywhere in my block, all the text in it gets hyperlinked. How do I fix this?

DaveChild DaveChild, 10:05 4 Dec 14

Hi yayobelle. That's correct, that's how the links work. For your draft, you might be better off using the "one-column" layout for your blocks than using the "text" layout.

Where are the keyboard shortcuts of

i happy to join your site

very well done, looking forward to diggin in.

hey together :)

MM nice..

Looking forward to learning to create cheat sheets.

Well done. Thanks

Love this!!! Thanks to all who has made this for everyone to see

This is great! This will definitely save time and sanity.

Awesome job . love it

Thanks for the help!

Thanks for the help!

This website is very impressive and useful for all

How do you use the {{literal}} effect? I want part of the text in my box to be formatted literally, then the rest to be normal. I can't figure out how to get the literal formatting to stop in the middle of a sentence.

DaveChild DaveChild, 11:04 19 Aug 18

The {{literal}} flag affects the entire box, you can't stop it part-way through (yet).

I'm new here, can someone tell me what i need to know first?

I'm new here, thanks. I am happy to follow this page

Great quick user friendly tour

Me encanta la idea

Great Site. Most appreciated!

looking forward to using cheatography

Hey all! Good to be here! Does CommonMark Or Markdown work in this Comments Section?
Also, can we _import_ any **Cheatsheets** at all? Anyway, going to try d/l'ing a few. Hope to see you all out there.

Glad I came across this website. Looking forward to creating these fab cheat sheets. Thank you!

Midget Clown Porn

I'm new but think it's quite handy to join for wide array of uses...

I trust this will be a useful website

Thank you for this well Organized site

i am happy i found you
many thanks for all your hard work

I need all commonds

That's pretty meta

So excite to get started

The authoring features are fantastic.
I wish there was more control over printing to PDF.
For example, landscape PDF, paper sizes, and column breaks and page breaks.
It would be nice if the PDF was more WYSIWYG with respect to the online viewing.

Thanks for the cheats!

Thanks for the cheats

Thank you for the clarification!

many thanks for all your hard work ❤️

Thank you for all this, what a great idea!

This is the first time I use this site. Awesome. Love it.

This idea is so amazing

I keep receiving:
"Your cheat sheet was not saved. Please check the errors below and try again"
when I try to create a sheet...

Impressed with collection. Very useful abstracts for studying.

Hello, I'm creating a CheatSheet.. I created a column, I did make an error but I can't delete it.
Can someone tell me if it's possible to delete (or modify) a saved column pls?

Cheatography101 Cheatography101, 00:35 19 May 20

I have the same issue. I can not modify a saved block, I hit enter by mistake before finishing so it got finished.

Also, I can't delete DRAFT cheatsheets that I made in error...

This site seems like its been abandoned... there is no contact info, no way to get support, etc... pitty, since it is a great site!

Cheatography101 Cheatography101, 00:44 19 May 20

I think I found it! -- its not docummented, but when you hover the mouse over the top right corner of a block, there magically appears a three button menu. If you click those three buttons, there are options to edit, delete, etc a block

I am still looking for a way to delete draft cheatsheets made by mistake

Hope this helps!

I hope this will help me

Amazing idea

Thanx to all

Nice this is so good!

Nice this is so good!

Really come in handy

So glad I stumbled across this site!

Just checked in! Looking forward to a great discovery ... journey. :)

Looks like this might be helpful!

Thanks for this link

Thanks for this link

Thanks for this link

how do you delete a block once it's been added?

how do you delete a block once it's been added?

Hi Dave, how can I edit a cheat sheet once I saved it as a draft? I don't find a menu option or similar to just go back to edit mode. Thanks!

Thank you!

Hi Dave, Could you please let me how to add react code snippet while creating cheat sheet

To know some of the answer that I can't find

Thank you for the tour!

thanks for it but i have a question. Text in my cheat sheet is cutted in pdf. How to fit the cheatsheet to pdf size. Thanks

Ainda bem que encontrei este site, parabéns aos desenvolvedores!

Thanks for the tour

I am happy to be here.

I am happy to be here.

I'm really happy regarding this website

What a useful information

Muhammad Usman Afzal Muhammad Usman Afzal, 11:41 21 Jul 22

hi lona how are you?

start exploring. thanks

Thanks for tour!

The Cheatography Cheat Sheet can not be downloaded.

Kamehameha Kamehameha, 03:10 10 May 22



great reference. Thank you.

I can't compile this \LaTeX

! Package pdftex.def Error: File `/web/
child_1367219106_136153986486ixb.jpg' not found: using draft setting. seems no longer to be working.
But still is.

This platform is gonna be cool

Barely been on this website but I already love it omg

Barely been on this website but I already love it omg

Love it❤️

So glad I ended up here, thanks!

Very useful resource!! Thank you very much!!!

Okay it's good

I am glad I found out about this very useful site. This is like computer enthusiast's dream come through. Thank you very much to all involved.

Thanks for the tour

Thanks for tour

Thank you!

Thanks for the tour

So excited to use this to help me study.

I’m dietitian

Thank you for the tour.

I found it useful

Thank you ☺️

Thank you

Thanks for the tour! Kudos!

Thanks for the tour

Thank you for the brief but detailed tour of Cheatography !!

Thanks for the tour

I don’t often do tours. This was nice.

Thanksfor the tour

Thank you

Thank you for the briefing. Short and sweet!

Thank you for the briefing. Short and sweet!

lim x -> ∞ (2 x + 1)/((2x + sin 2x) * (sin x + 3) ^ 2)

Thx for the tour

Thanks for sharing this info with us

Thanks for your service. Your site is helpful to learn programming languages.

Thanks for the infos.

Looking forward about this site

Looking forward on this

Looking forward on this

Looking forward on this

Looking forward on this site

I found this on Facebook and hope it will help me a lot, especially since I am an educator. I am excited to use this using my laptop :) Thank you for making these.

Hello, I hope it will help me to improve my skills and knowledge.

It's helpful for me

Thanks for the cheat sheets

Okay. Thanks!

thanks for the sitetour ! informative and down to the point!

Thanks, it nice

yes thankyou

It isgood

This site is awesome

How to use this website?


Thank you!!! (*^-^*)

Many thanks for this. I appreciate!

Cool site. Glad I found it!!!

this is the bestt

Thanks for the site tour.

I appreciate you. Thank you

Thank you

This is more helpful

Very helpful

Thank You (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。

Awesome, thanks!

Awesome, thanks!

Excellent work. Now, time to get to work! :)

found about this page from pinterest...looking forward...thank you

Thank you so much..

Good mini tutorial.

Good mini tutorial.

Thanks for the navigation

teaching graphs for teachers is very useful

Thanks for the welcome

Thanks for the welcome

Upstream tailings storage facility susceptibility to dam breach

What would become of us without well summarized practical information?

Thanks for letting me in

Way to success is awesome summaries to aid in constructive studying .

I didn't understand how to add borders. Inside my table/list where should I put it. I tried in the first column and in every column but nothing displays

Ios17 intel IBM arm

Thanks for the tour

It would be really nice to have a more visual representation for the keyboard's keys (for the Shortcuts type of cheatsheet). ⇧ and → and this for Function keys (could no find in FontAwesome !)
Not going too far so, ⎇ is not as clear as [Alt]. Same for [Ctrl]
Having the key in a box would be visually much better

le site a une bonne réputation

Can you do subscript? For like chemical equations and things, I need to be able to subscript, not just superscript.

DaveChild DaveChild, 20:42 2 Jun 24

Great idea, thanks. I've added subscript.

Hi !
How can i use effects tags ?

that great

It's very helpful! Thank you


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