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About DeeJRoth

  • Color blind; Programming nerd; Linux advocate; Windowz hater; I read a lot of books and feeds; Music is the score to my life; Movies are good too; I love hockey (playing roller and watching ice); Opportunal Xbox player; Son; Brother; Husband; Father; My daughters are my inspiration; Real body building is done in the kitchen.
  • Cheatographer since 4 December, 2012.


  • 3 Cheat Sheets
  • 4 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 53,452 Cheat Sheet Views

Cheat Sheets By DeeJRoth

1 Page
Usage of Git on Webfaction hosting
30 Dec 14, updated 12 May 16
2 Pages
RVM cheat sheet from (only brought over the linux information)
16 Aug 14, updated 13 May 16
1 Page
A look at the available paramters for the Total Commander button bar
30 Dec 12, updated 12 May 16