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Introduction to market segments Cheat Sheet by

Market segments

- Not "­one­" shipping segment
- Started in the 20th century
- Took off after WWII
- Demand for resources to build cities up again
- Has both supply and demand

Market structure

- 43% of cargo in Europe is on ships
- 270 shipowners
- Largest companies in Norway are Wilson, SeaCar­go/­Sea­Trans, Green Reefers, Unifeeder, NorLines
- 500 Norwegian owned vessels
- Ship types: bulk, container, RoRo, RoPax
- Often old tonnage that need updates
- Small onshore organi­sations
- Cooper­ation / compet­ition with rail and road
Long term chartering
- Other shipping modes
- large companies
- govern­mental agencies

Main shipping segments

- Types of ships
- Markets
- Types of cargo
- Taskts
- Customers
- Succsess criteria
- key stakeh­olders

Deep sea shipping
- Global shipping routes
- large ships, transport large amount of cargo
- Definition
-- "Deep sea shipping, intern­ational shipping or ocean shipping refers to maritime traffic that crosses the ocean."­

Short sea shipping
- Feeder traffic
- Liner traffic
- Smaller ships in the same segment
- Definition
-- "­Mar­itime transport within a region, essent­ially serving port-t­o-port feeder traffic which can be in compet­ition with land transp­ort."

General Cargoes

- Containers
- Small loose cargoes
- Pallets
- Pre-slung cargo
- Small-­volume liquid cargoes
- Heavy cargoes
- Special cargoes that are difficult to handle
- TO-TO [Trot on-Trot off]

Specia­lized shipping

- Norway has 40%
- Chemicals
- Liquefied gas
- Reefer cargoes
- Unit load cargoes
- Passenger shipping
Economics based on:
- Improved cargo handling
- Improved stowage, more cargo each journey
- integr­ation with onshore transport systems

Types of service

- Liner ships, regular voyage [like a bus]
- Tramp ships, whenever or wherever the market is [like a taxi]

Do work
- Service
- Service oil and gas

Recent trends

- Shipping companies have widened their portfolio of services
- Increased specia­liz­ation in the supply of maritime transport services –change in ship size and ship charac­ter­istics
- Develo­pment of alliances or pools in e.g. bulk trades
- Raising sustai­nab­ility impera­tives and climate change concerns leading to sustai­nable shipping
- World trade continues develo­ping, esp. in the developing countries
- Intermodal transport system
- Super-slow steaming

Compet­ition intensity

- Internal rivalry
- Strong price pressure
- Large and small suppliers
- Strong compet­ition from road and rail transport
- Many suppliers

Why is shipping important?

- Reduction of pollution
- Reduction of road transport accidents
- Reduces transport network congestion levels
- Reduces invest­ments in transp­ort­ation infras­tru­cture
- Increases port hinterland compet­iti­veness


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