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Cheat Sheets Matching "data structures and algorithms"

100 Cheat Sheets

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9 Pages
Cobit Cheat Sheet about cobit
10 Mar 22
5 Pages
POLDEV 4-2; Preliminary exam reviewer
2 Mar 22
3 Pages
Common linux terminal commands and keyboard short-cuts
23 Feb 22, updated 24 Feb 22
2 Pages
Bone, Joints, and Bone growth
28 Feb 22
1 Page
Islam Cheat Sheet. This can be used for assessments on significant people, the Hajj, and sexual ethics.
2 Mar 22
2 Pages
DevOps: Jenkins Cheat Sheet
3 Mar 22
2 Pages
NURS601 Week 1 - Fluid shifts & Electrolytes
4 Mar 22, updated 5 Mar 22
3 Pages
Social Statistics - Midterm 2
10 Mar 22, updated 13 Mar 22
3 Pages
NURS601 Week 1 Concept 2: Electrolyte imbalance
5 Mar 22
2 Pages
NURS601 Week 1 Concept 3: Acid-base balance (too much/too little acid)
5 Mar 22
2 Pages
4 Pages
Muscular system cheat sheet
8 Mar 22
2 Pages
NURS601 Week 1 Concept 2: Fluid shift - Dehydration/Hypovolemic shock
7 Mar 22, updated 16 Mar 22
2 Pages
It has the English tenses and how to use them. It has the basic knowledge of them.
28 Mar 22
2 Pages
NUnit example of setup, teardown, and testing
5 Mar 22, updated 14 Mar 22
2 Pages
2 Pages
Sitecore CLI commands for developers daily use.
8 Mar 22
1 Page
Small review sheet to help study for this test
9 Mar 22
1 Page
1 Page
1 Page
1 Page
Used in the treatment of bacterial infections and UTIs. They also protect against anthrax after exposure to its spores.
11 Mar 22
1 Page
Treatment of urinary tract infections
11 Mar 22
2 Pages
Estrogen therapy in the menopausal patient relieves hot flashes, also called vasomotor symptoms, and prevents atrophy of the vulva and vagina, as well as bone loss that can cause osteoporosis
12 Mar 22
1 Page
Progesterone is used as a contraceptive, protection for clients on HRT, endometriosis, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and palliative treatment for advanced uterine cancer.
12 Mar 22
1 Page
Used in treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy and pattern hair loss. Reduces risk of prostate cancer.
12 Mar 22
1 Page
Second group of drugs that treat benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH, is the alpha adrenergic reseptor antagonists
12 Mar 22
4 Pages
Cheat sheet for my Sweetheart
12 Mar 22, updated 20 Mar 22
3 Pages
Cheat sheet for venous disorders including clinical diagnosis and management.
16 Mar 22
4 Pages
My personal cheatsheet, for many things. Maybe one day it will be "official". For now the scope is: Python, Javascript, Shell, Ubuntu Multipass, and various penetration testing tools.
17 Mar 22
3 Pages
Lenders, underwriters, and acronyms - mortgages seem to attract jargon. Here's a cheat sheet for the common terms.
4 Mar 22, updated 14 Mar 22
2 Pages
Uitleg over klassen en objecten aanmaken.
15 Mar 22
3 Pages
Internet access is becoming as much of a basic necessity as electricity and water; however, the pricing of internet services can be confusing to consumers. We dive into dedicated internet and best effort internet services to make sense of internet pricing.
25 Mar 22
2 Pages
Transcription and Translation - Interactive Study: - Khan Academy:
15 Mar 22
2 Pages
Examen Programmeren hulpvolle extratjes
15 Mar 22
4 Pages
Hemostasis including coagulation cascade, medications and disorders
19 Mar 22
15 Pages
Cultura e Storia della lingua Russa dal 1900 fino al 1992
5 May 22
3 Pages
Helix Editor Keyboard Shortcuts
18 Mar 22
3 Pages
Cheat Sheet for Grade 10 - Lesson 01 (Information & Communication Technology)
24 Mar 22
1 Page
선생님이 온라인 혹은 오프라인 강의 진행할 때 유용한 도구
21 Mar 22
1 Page
Used for thyroid replacement therapy in hypothyroid patients
24 Mar 22
1 Page
Invertebrates Intro Bio 2
22 Mar 22
1 Page
vertebrates into bio 2
22 Mar 22, updated 23 Mar 22
1 Page
animal diversity intro bio 2
23 Mar 22
1 Page
animal form and function basic principles
23 Mar 22
1 Page
circulation and gas exchange intro bio 2
23 Mar 22
2 Pages
Stages of wound healing
11 Apr 22, updated 13 Apr 22
1 Page
animal nutrition intro bio 2
23 Mar 22
1 Page
osmoregulation intro bio 2
23 Mar 22
1 Page
Cheat sheet for the cereal data python lesson
24 Mar 22, updated 25 Mar 22
5 Pages
A list of Excel Keyboard shortcuts for Windows. Shortcuts Confirmed functional in Excel 2007, 2010, 2013. Some shortcuts may not work in Excel 2016. Some shortcuts will work in other Microsoft programs.
24 Mar 22
5 Pages
Cheat sheet for fungal infections of the feet and commonly used drug prescriptions.
11 Apr 22
1 Page
Este es un cheatsheet con el API para dibujar y mostrar objetos 3D en processing.
25 Mar 22
1 Page
Treats hyperthyroidism, Graves disease, and thyroid cancer.
25 Mar 22
1 Page
5 Pages
Exam #3 Cheat Sheet Blood, Heart, and Blood Vessels
27 Mar 22, updated 28 Mar 22
1 Page
1 Page
1 Page
hypoglycemia from an insulin overdose
26 Mar 22
8 Pages
A quick reference for the runes, their workings, and their symbols as intended for daily review and practice. This is not comprehensive; the intent is to be as cursory as possible for a quick, <5min familiarity review.
29 Mar 22
1 Page
Acarbose (precise) treatment of type 2 diabetes
26 Mar 22
1 Page
antimetabolite drugs which exert their immunosuppressive effect by interfering with normal B and T lymphocytes activity
29 Mar 22
1 Page
4 Pages
antibiotics cheat sheet including prescriptions for Ontario chiropodists
11 Apr 22
1 Page
3 Pages
Periodic trends, bonding, Lewis structures, reaction types.
7 Apr 22
1 Page
Used for treating established postmenopausal osteoporosis as well as hypercalcemia secondary to hyperparathyroidism, and pagets disease
29 Mar 22
1 Page
Treats hypocalcemia and calcium deficiency.
29 Mar 22
3 Pages
Research Methods and Development
12 Apr 22
3 Pages
This cheat sheet is only for taking notes, since I suck at linggual.
29 Mar 22
2 Pages
Python Date/Time string formatting options
30 Mar 22, updated 31 Mar 22
4 Pages
The constitution impacts the Law of succession in the following areas: 1) Common and Customary Low of Intestate Succession; 2) Maintenance upon death and 3) Law of Testate succession. This cheatsheet summaries the ways in which the SAn legislature and Courts have impacted the Law of Succession - specifically through it's definition of "spouse"
5 Apr 22, updated 6 Apr 22
3 Pages
una cheet sheet sulle armate.
4 Apr 22, updated 7 Sep 22
3 Pages
1 Page
1 Page
The LoS comprises the legal rules that regulate the distri­bution of assets from the estate of a deceased person to the estate of their successor. - **Sources of Law:** Statute, Case; Customary & Common Law - **Estate:** Accumu­lation of deceased assets & liabil­ities - liabil­ities are not transf­erred.
5 Apr 22
2 Pages
Application of Intestate Succession. 1st Parentala always divided to first. A always desceased.
31 May 22
2 Pages
CIE ALevel A2 bio summary 2022
8 Apr 22
1 Page
Cheat Sheet for Past simple use in English
7 Apr 22
4 Pages
Microeconomics IB cheatsheet
10 Apr 22
8 Pages
Wound management focusing on diabetic foot ulcers.
14 Apr 22
6 Pages
Chets Sheet en español de Java Script
4 May 22, updated 14 May 22
1 Page
introduction to economics ib
10 Apr 22
4 Pages
Istruzioni e comandi introduttivi per la programmazione C++
10 Apr 22, updated 27 Apr 22
2 Pages
Theory of the firm IB
10 Apr 22
1 Page
1 Page
my first attempt in making a cheat sheet for my exam
31 Dec 22
4 Pages
Mitosis, meiosis, other stuff
3 May 22
2 Pages
1 Page
Preparation for the upcoming midterm exams in this course.
11 Apr 22
2 Pages
Anatomy of the lower limb
13 Apr 22
1 Page
4 Pages
Cheat Sheet en français avec tout ce qui me semble essentiel à avoir pour Python 3
14 Apr 22
3 Pages
Workflow for setting up a .Net 3.1 MVC Project with MySQL DB and EF
14 Apr 22, updated 17 Apr 22