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ICT Grade 10 - Lesson 01 Cheat Sheet by

Cheat Sheet for Grade 10 - Lesson 01 (Information & Communication Technology)


What is Data?
The numbers, words, images and symbols which do not bear a meaning, when standing alone are called data.
Two types of Data
Quanti­tative Data - Measurable Data. (Ex: Age, Price, Height, Weight etc.)
Qualit­ative Data - Data that cannot be measured. (Name, Telephone Number, Address etc.)


What is Proces­sing?
Converting Data into something meaningful (Infor­mation)
Two types of Processing
1. Manual Processing
2. Electronic Processing


What is Inform­ation?
The Processed Data.
Qualitites of Inform­ation
1. Relevant
2. Complete
3. Accurate
4. Timeliness
5. Cost Effective

Components of a Computer System

Example: Finding the average of 9 subjects.

1. Input - Data (Marks of 9 subjects)
2. Process - According to the user need. (Get the sum and divide by 9)
3. Output - Inform­ation (Average)

Computer Genera­tions History

Major Hardware Technology
Software Used
1st Generation
Vacuum Tubes
Machine Language
High Heat Generation
2nd Generation
High-Level Progra­mming Language
Smaller in Size
3rd Generation
Integrated Circuits (IC)
Operating Systems (OS)
Faster Processing
4th Generation
Large Scale IC (LSIC)
OS with Graphical User Interface (GUI)
5th Generation
Ultra Large Scale Integr­ation (ULSI)
Easy Operation

Applic­ations of ICT

Government to Citizen (G2C)
Ex: Payment of Utility Bills
Government to Government (G2G)
Ex: Diplomatic & VISA inform­ation
Government to Business (G2B)
Ex: Payment Services
Government to Employees (G2E)
Ex: Gazettes, Circulars
In the classroom
Ex: Presen­tat­ions, Experi­mental Videos, Online Inform­ation collection etc.
Serves as a teaching aid
Ex: Making presen­tat­ions, organize lessons using a computer etc.
Learning Management System (LMS)
Ex: Online Assign­ments (for students), Online lessons (for teachers)
Distance Learning
Ex: Digital Library Facility, Web Based Teaching etc.
ICT in diagnosis
CAT Machine - to make 3D images of different parts of body.
MRI Machine - creates digita­lized images of internal organs of the body by using strong magnetic fields and radio waves
ECG Machine - Uses to monitor heart beat.
Cardiac Screening Machine - displays the physiology and the movements inside the heart.
EEG - record the activities of the brain.
The use of ICT to examine and provide healthcare to a patient who is far away from the hospital is called Teleme­dicine.
Telesu­rgery (Remote Surgery)
the ability of a doctor to perform surgery on a patient in consul­tation with a specialist who is far away, using ICT.
Medical Teletr­aining
Specia­lists’ consul­tation and training using ICT

Applic­ations of ICT - 2

Agricu­ltural Industry
Meteor­olo­gical Devices
Automated Insect Control Device
Field conditions measuring devices
Crop harvesting using Robots
Manufa­cturing Industry & Business
Using Robots - 24 hour service, Never get tired, Effici­ency, Accuracy, Hygiene
Video Confer­encing
Human Resource Management (HRM)
e-Banking System
ability to withdraw cash anytime using ATMs
inter banking or transa­ctional activi­ties.
pay utility bills, inter-­banking transa­ctions, or checking the account balance using mobile phones.
Online Shopping
Open 24 hours a day
able to see things and order at one’s convenient place.
ability to pay using the electronic payment methods
home delivery of goods. (Saving Transport cost and time)
Digital Photograhy
Social Network
Watching Movies
e-news & e-books

Demerits of ICT

Building unsuitable friend­ships through social media
Computers could become infected by virus due to improper use of internet.
Negative effects on psychology of a person by visiting improper websites.
Publishing of edited photog­raphs and videos of indivi­duals affecting their personal lives.

Evolution of the Computer

Blaise Pascal
The Adding Machine
Charles Babbage
Analytical Engine
Ada Lovelace
First Programmer
Howard Aiken


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