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Cheat Sheets Matching "Data Science"

100 Cheat Sheets

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2 Pages
This credit repair sweep cheat sheet answers beginner's questions and is vol. 1 in my series
22 Jan 22
2 Pages
Ecology Species sheet
17 Jan 22, updated 20 Jan 22
2 Pages
To help with coding in pseudo
21 Jan 22, updated 27 Jan 22
2 Pages
Docker CLI Commands & Dockerfile Build structure
23 Jan 22, updated 28 Jan 22
1 Page
8 Pages
Cheatsheet based on "Create your first app" section of Django's documentation ##### Work in progress ######
6 Feb 22, updated 12 Feb 22
5 Pages
2 Pages
Cheat Sheet about shamanic experiences in the world
28 Jan 22
3 Pages
Reference: Seeley's Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
2 Feb 22, updated 3 Feb 22
3 Pages
Behaviour, memory, intro, vocab
4 Feb 22
psychology, study, revision, ib, highschool and 3 more ...
2 Pages
CLI and IDE plugin to test REST API, GraphQL, gRPC, Kafka Pub/Sub services with HTTP DSL
6 Feb 22, updated 18 Jul 22
1 Page
Frontend interview quick reference lookup
6 Feb 22, updated 9 Feb 22
9 Pages
Cobit Cheat Sheet about cobit
10 Mar 22
2 Pages
Cheat sheet that will offer developers a reminder of recommended practices done in REST API Development.
2 Nov 22
5 Pages
POLDEV 4-2; Preliminary exam reviewer
2 Mar 22
1 Page
1 Page
1 Page
1 Page
Used in the treatment of bacterial infections and UTIs. They also protect against anthrax after exposure to its spores.
11 Mar 22
1 Page
Treatment of urinary tract infections
11 Mar 22
2 Pages
Estrogen therapy in the menopausal patient relieves hot flashes, also called vasomotor symptoms, and prevents atrophy of the vulva and vagina, as well as bone loss that can cause osteoporosis
12 Mar 22
1 Page
Progesterone is used as a contraceptive, protection for clients on HRT, endometriosis, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and palliative treatment for advanced uterine cancer.
12 Mar 22
3 Pages
Cheat Sheet for Grade 10 - Lesson 01 (Information & Communication Technology)
24 Mar 22
1 Page
Used in treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy and pattern hair loss. Reduces risk of prostate cancer.
12 Mar 22
1 Page
Second group of drugs that treat benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH, is the alpha adrenergic reseptor antagonists
12 Mar 22
3 Pages
Cheat sheet for venous disorders including clinical diagnosis and management.
16 Mar 22
3 Pages
Internet access is becoming as much of a basic necessity as electricity and water; however, the pricing of internet services can be confusing to consumers. We dive into dedicated internet and best effort internet services to make sense of internet pricing.
25 Mar 22
2 Pages
Uitleg over klassen en objecten aanmaken.
15 Mar 22
2 Pages
Examen Programmeren hulpvolle extratjes
15 Mar 22
15 Pages
Cultura e Storia della lingua Russa dal 1900 fino al 1992
5 May 22
1 Page
Used for thyroid replacement therapy in hypothyroid patients
24 Mar 22
1 Page
animal diversity intro bio 2
23 Mar 22
1 Page
Cheat sheet for the cereal data python lesson
24 Mar 22, updated 25 Mar 22
1 Page
Treats hyperthyroidism, Graves disease, and thyroid cancer.
25 Mar 22
1 Page
1 Page
1 Page
1 Page
hypoglycemia from an insulin overdose
26 Mar 22
1 Page
Acarbose (precise) treatment of type 2 diabetes
26 Mar 22
1 Page
antimetabolite drugs which exert their immunosuppressive effect by interfering with normal B and T lymphocytes activity
29 Mar 22
1 Page
1 Page
1 Page
introduction to economics ib
10 Apr 22
6 Pages
Most parts of GCSE CCEA Digital Technology Unit 2 and 3
6 Jun 22
1 Page
Used for treating established postmenopausal osteoporosis as well as hypercalcemia secondary to hyperparathyroidism, and pagets disease
29 Mar 22
1 Page
Treats hypocalcemia and calcium deficiency.
29 Mar 22
3 Pages
8 Pages
Wound management focusing on diabetic foot ulcers.
14 Apr 22
1 Page
4 Pages
Cheat Sheet en français avec tout ce qui me semble essentiel à avoir pour Python 3
14 Apr 22
1 Page
common protocols for OCR GCSE computing
16 Apr 22
2 Pages
COMP 2001 cheat sheet for coding language python
20 Apr 22
4 Pages
Résumé des combats spatiaux pour le jeu de rôle Starfinder. Basé sur la fiche anglaise de bluesoda.
23 Apr 22, updated 24 Apr 22
2 Pages
These are situations for when to use certain data structure and algorithms
28 Apr 22, updated 30 Apr 22
2 Pages
This is a breakdown of the most common uses of Snow, a Steganography tool.
1 May 22
1 Page
Brief summary of options available for both Infoga--a Python utility designed to gather email addresses from a given domain--and PhoneInfoga--a Python utility designed to gather information about a supplied phone number.
1 May 22, updated 2 May 22
6 Pages
Basic syntactic constructs. Emphasis on fundamental concepts & expression evaluation.
13 Jun 22, updated 14 Jun 22
3 Pages
Useful code for cleaning big data :)
3 Sep 22, updated 12 Sep 22
4 Pages
This is a breakdown of common usages of Mimikatz tool regarding cyber security and penetration testing
1 May 22, updated 2 May 22
1 Page
Do you already know Python and work with Pandas? Do you work with Big Data? Then PySpark should be your friend! PySpark is a Python API for Spark which is a general-purpose distributed data processing engine. It does computations in a distributed manner which enables the ability to analyse a large amount of data in a short time.
3 May 22, updated 28 May 22
1 Page
Brief summary of Sherlock (Python)--a utility to locate instances of usernames found on various websites.
1 May 22, updated 2 May 22
3 Pages
SQL Cheatseet with all important commands
17 May 22
2 Pages
2 Pages
Basic Arduino functions and their use cases.
18 May 22
3 Pages
zománc, dentin, cement makroszkópos és mikroszkópos anatómiája
25 May 22
3 Pages
Cheat sheet for networking, file manipulation, shell and scripts, packet capture, forensics, and exploitation tools.
8 Jun 22
2 Pages
Sitecore compatibility with browsers, operating systems, .NET frameworks, database servers and other modules/tools.
30 May 22
17 Pages
A one-stop source for all the list of available actions in Power Automate Desktop. ~Version 2.37
9 Jul 22, updated 14 Dec 23
1 Page
16 Jun 22
10 Pages
4 Pages
6 Pages
HRM things that might be needed
18 Jun 22
3 Pages
Explainable AI Cheatsheet
18 Jun 22
3 Pages
Basic information about vision
19 Jun 22
4 Pages
5 Pages
Intro to Oculomotor Function and Visual Perception
21 Jun 22
-, ot
7 Pages
Oculomotor & Visual Perceptual Assessment & Intervention
27 Jun 22
1 Page
A collection of processes and steps to follow when signing a new client for local SEO services.
21 Jun 22, updated 27 Jun 22
5 Pages
Assessment of Strategy Use and Metacognition: Choosing an Appropriate Intervention Approach
27 Jun 22
3 Pages
NetworkX library useful functions
7 Sep 22, updated 23 Oct 22
1 Page
Supply Chain Management
28 Jun 22
1 Page
Narya's HR processes sheet
27 Jun 22
4 Pages
Interventions for Visual Perceptual Processing Dysfunctions
28 Jun 22
3 Pages
Analyzing normal and abnormal cognition
28 Jun 22
6 Pages
18 Pages
Just some basics covering basic Linux command line and a little bit of pentesting basics.
6 Jul 22
1 Page
Grundlagen Python For Data Science
1 Jul 22
3 Pages
Introduction to Balance and Postural Control
30 Jun 22
3 Pages
This is for Rest-Assured course in
7 Jul 22, updated 30 Mar 23
2 Pages
1 Jul 22
1 Page
13 Pages
Everyday Ukrainian vocabulary and pronunciation
26 Jul 22, updated 27 Jul 22
1 Page
Quick Overview for AWS and common services used for DevOps
8 Jul 22