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About prinsam98

  • Cheatographer since 18 June, 2022.


  • 9 Cheat Sheets
  • 40 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 36,932 Cheat Sheet Views

Cheat Sheets By prinsam98

3 Pages
Introduction to Balance and Postural Control
30 Jun 22
6 Pages
3 Pages
Analyzing normal and abnormal cognition
28 Jun 22
4 Pages
Interventions for Visual Perceptual Processing Dysfunctions
28 Jun 22
7 Pages
Oculomotor & Visual Perceptual Assessment & Intervention
27 Jun 22
5 Pages
Assessment of Strategy Use and Metacognition: Choosing an Appropriate Intervention Approach
27 Jun 22
5 Pages
Intro to Oculomotor Function and Visual Perception
21 Jun 22
-, ot
4 Pages
3 Pages
Basic information about vision
19 Jun 22