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Cheat Sheets Matching "Nursing"

66 Cheat Sheets

1 Page
Drug to treat type 2 diabetes
2 Aug 21
5 Pages
reviewer and basic info for cervical cancer for nursing students
6 Nov 21
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Can be taken for Type 1 & 2 Diabetes
2 Aug 21
1 Page
Drug info for liraglutide/Dulaglutide
2 Aug 21
1 Page
Metformin Drug Info (Exam 3)
2 Aug 21
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2 Pages
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2 Pages
Human Anatomy & Physiology 1, Week One (The Human Body: An orientation)
25 Jan 22, updated 27 Jan 22
2 Pages
Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Week 1 Part 2
26 Jan 22, updated 27 Jan 22
1 Page
2 Pages
NURS601 Week 1 - Fluid shifts & Electrolytes
4 Mar 22, updated 5 Mar 22
2 Pages
2 Pages
Nursing Study Guide for Sickle Cell Anemia in Pediatric Patients
29 May 22
education, nursing, nurse, symptoms, risk and 11 more ...
1 Page
NURS601 Week 1 Concept 1: Too much/too little/not enough fluid
4 Mar 22
1 Page
Nursing Study Guide for Lead Poisoning in Pediatrics
29 May 22
3 Pages
NURS601 Week 1 Concept 2: Electrolyte imbalance
5 Mar 22
1 Page
1 Page
Nursing Study Guide for Retinoblastoma in the Pediatric Patient
29 May 22
education, nursing, eye, nurse, diagnostics and 5 more ...
2 Pages
NURS601 Week 1 Concept 3: Acid-base balance (too much/too little acid)
5 Mar 22
1 Page
2 Pages
NURS601 Week 1 Concept 2: Fluid shift - Dehydration/Hypovolemic shock
7 Mar 22, updated 16 Mar 22
1 Page
Used in the treatment of bacterial infections and UTIs. They also protect against anthrax after exposure to its spores.
11 Mar 22
1 Page
Treatment of urinary tract infections
11 Mar 22
2 Pages
Estrogen therapy in the menopausal patient relieves hot flashes, also called vasomotor symptoms, and prevents atrophy of the vulva and vagina, as well as bone loss that can cause osteoporosis
12 Mar 22
1 Page
Progesterone is used as a contraceptive, protection for clients on HRT, endometriosis, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and palliative treatment for advanced uterine cancer.
12 Mar 22
1 Page
Used in treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy and pattern hair loss. Reduces risk of prostate cancer.
12 Mar 22
1 Page
Second group of drugs that treat benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH, is the alpha adrenergic reseptor antagonists
12 Mar 22
1 Page
Used for thyroid replacement therapy in hypothyroid patients
24 Mar 22
2 Pages
French for Nursing, other medical professionals, & students
29 May 22, updated 30 May 22
french, english, nursing, medical, nurse and 2 more ...
2 Pages
Stages of wound healing
11 Apr 22, updated 13 Apr 22
1 Page
Treats hyperthyroidism, Graves disease, and thyroid cancer.
25 Mar 22
2 Pages
Carbamazepine, valproic acid, lamotrigine
8 Nov 22
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2 Pages
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antimetabolite drugs which exert their immunosuppressive effect by interfering with normal B and T lymphocytes activity
29 Mar 22
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hypoglycemia from an insulin overdose
26 Mar 22
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1 Page
Acarbose (precise) treatment of type 2 diabetes
26 Mar 22
1 Page
Used for treating established postmenopausal osteoporosis as well as hypercalcemia secondary to hyperparathyroidism, and pagets disease
29 Mar 22
1 Page
Treats hypocalcemia and calcium deficiency.
29 Mar 22
3 Pages
These medications control mainly positive manifestations of psychotic disorders (hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behaviors)
8 Nov 22
2 Pages
I used Fundaments of Nursing by Yoost & Crawford & Medical-Surgical Nursing by Ignatavicius, Workman, Rebar, & Heimgartner to complete this cheat sheet.
3 Dec 22
8 Pages
Wound management focusing on diabetic foot ulcers.
14 Apr 22
2 Pages
Lithium Carbonate Mood stabilizers
8 Nov 22
2 Pages
Alprazolam Diazepam Lorazepam Chloridazepoxide Oxazepam Clonazepam
2 Nov 22, updated 3 Nov 22
2 Pages
2 Pages
How to perform a respiratory assessment and the break down of possible assessment findings.
18 Oct 22
1 Page
Interpersonal Theory and Sullivan Theories
2 Nov 22
2 Pages
2 Pages