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Cheat Sheets Matching "c programming"

100 Cheat Sheets

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2 Pages
The Linux File Hierarchy Standard (FHS). This describes what the folders are for on your root directory and what is typically stored there. Everything item in Linux is treated like a file.
12 Sep 20
1 Page
Hotkeys for DBeaver to make SQL editing a snap!
13 Sep 20, updated 14 Sep 20
1 Page
Important Concepts about DPI
26 Sep 20
2 Pages
The most popular product types from Microsoft Azure all in one document (VMs, ...).
21 Sep 20, updated 1 Oct 20
3 Pages
Cheat sheet for NLP...
26 Sep 20
2 Pages
A cheatsheet on the gganimate library.
26 Sep 20
3 Pages
Introduction to Unified Power Format syntax to model the Power Intent of your Design.
26 Sep 20, updated 27 Sep 20
2 Pages
This cheat sheet is made for the ggvis library in R for effective visualization of data
27 Sep 20
2 Pages
Cheat Sheet for Data Visualization in R studio through ggplot2 package.
27 Sep 20
3 Pages
A cheat sheet for the ggplot library in R
27 Sep 20
2 Pages
R is a language used popularly for Data Visualization. ggvis is a data visualization package for R which lets you: 1.Declaratively describe data graphics with a syntax similar in spirit to ggplot2. 2.Create rich interactive graphics that you can play with locally in Rstudio or in your browser. 3.Leverage shiny’s infrastructure to publish interactive graphics usable from any browser (either within your company or to the world).
27 Sep 20
3 Pages
Cheat Sheet for the Harvard CS50 course
28 Sep 20
1 Page
Docker aliases list from zsh-docker-aliases (
28 Sep 20
1 Page
My most used shortcuts of all times in Visual Studio 2019 for Mac
2 Oct 20
5 Pages
Cheat Sheet for whole DL
3 Oct 20
6 Pages
This all about Q and A for DS IQs
3 Oct 20
2 Pages
New features included in the C++ 17 Standard Library
3 Oct 20, updated 13 Jan 22
2 Pages
Comandos de Git y GitHub: repositorios locales y remotos, commits, ramas, configuraciones, markdown para los de GitHub y pasos generales para empezar a versionar un proyecto con git. Cheat sheet en Español.
5 Oct 20, updated 22 Oct 20
programming, spanish, git, version, control and 5 more ...
1 Page
Pandas cheat sheet by tscher
5 Oct 20
1 Page
1 Page
Basic methods for using dataframes with Pandas in Python
10 Oct 20
6 Pages
A brief cheat sheet for students of PSYCH 413.
28 Dec 23
21 Pages
AWS Certification comprehends a lot of topics & a broad array of services. Further, these also include every tiny detail for features, patterns, anti-patterns & their integration with other services. This is just a quick synopsis of all the services category-wise & key points for a quick glance before you appear for the exam along with recommended security best practices.
17 Oct 20, updated 23 Jun 22
2 Pages
Most common HTTP website errors and codes, what they mean and how to fix them.
21 Oct 20
3 Pages
It contains all the Unix Terminal Commands
20 Oct 20
1 Page
Cheatsheet pour l'enumeration
21 Oct 20
2 Pages
Cheat sheet for Go Programming language syntax.
10 Nov 20, updated 6 Mar 21
1 Page
Kubectl Cheat sheet 2020
26 Oct 20
2 Pages
דף ציטים לסי שארפ בעבריתת עד סוף השנה יהיו שדרוגים נוספים בהתאם לחומר הנלמד בכיתה.. יש כאן את כל מה שלמדנו חוץ מcase-switch ומערכים שלא יהיו במבחן. שונה ב08.03.2021
2 Nov 20, updated 8 Mar 21
1 Page
DFA, NFA, Regex and Pumping Lemma
11 Dec 20, updated 12 Dec 20
1 Page
Git Cheatsheet describing quick commands to navigate around the git world
7 Nov 20
1 Page
Dispositivos de entrada
9 Nov 20, updated 16 Nov 20
2 Pages
Quick Reference for useful and basic PHP
10 Nov 20, updated 12 Nov 20
2 Pages
C++ Syntax Deutsch für Anfänger
13 Nov 20, updated 20 Nov 20
1 Page
for nvidia transfer learning
14 Nov 20
2 Pages
Cheat sheet for openPyXL
17 Nov 20
1 Page
Flutter ist ein Open-Source Entwicklungskit von Google. Es basiert auf der Programmiersprache Dart. Nachfolgend werden die wichtigsten Themen dargestellt.
18 Nov 20
1 Page
Les commandes intéressantes de la CLI Symfony quand on débute Symfony 5
18 Nov 20
1 Page
Ceci est une liste des commandes les plus utiles avec PHP et Composer
18 Nov 20
2 Pages
Retrouvez ici les bases de Symfony : Controllers, Routes et HttpFoundation
19 Nov 20
1 Page
Windows Terminal Cheat Sheet with all Key Bindings based on Windows Terminal docs
28 Nov 20
2 Pages
Cheet Sheet de funciones de Biblioteca Gael Octavio Leon Jimenez 131-A
26 Nov 20, updated 27 Nov 20
2 Pages
Pandas Cheat Sheet Extra text to meet the character requirements
27 Nov 20
1 Page
Custom shortcut for amethyst to avoid collision with other programming software like intellij etc.
28 Nov 20
10 Pages
2 Pages
django basics from django girls blog
1 Jan 21, updated 3 Jan 21
2 Pages
Unidad 4 arreglos Gael Octavio Leon Jimenez, 131-A
8 Dec 20
1 Page
cheatsheet for vim. shortcuts
13 Dec 20, updated 5 Jul 21
2 Pages
A structured overview for GitLab Quick Actions found on
21 Jan 21, updated 14 Feb 21
4 Pages
Monster Framework for Oxygen Cheatsheet!
7 Dec 20
css, framework, oxygen, monster, tailwind and 2 more ...
2 Pages
Description cheat sheet mongoDB
9 Dec 20, updated 30 Dec 20
1 Page
1 Page
Lenguaje ensamblador SIMPLEZ. 1 byte - 8 instrucciones
15 Dec 20
1 Page
terminal shortcuts. edit command, navigate and search
21 Dec 20
2 Pages
5 Pages
The most important information you need to know before taking the Certified Agile Project Manager (CAPM) certification exam, by the International Association of Project Managers (IAPM).
13 Jan 21, updated 10 Mar 22
1 Page
python thread cheat sheet
20 Dec 20
3 Pages
Python cheat sheet all
20 Dec 20
8 Pages
Java cheat sheet by yunshu
27 Dec 20, updated 28 Dec 20
5 Pages
html cheat sheet by yunshu
28 Dec 20
1 Page
All API endpoints from Fantasy Premier League website
29 Dec 20, updated 8 Oct 21
api, football, fantasy, sports, soccer and 2 more ...
1 Page
Cheatsheet for quick reference of vim commands
1 Jan 21
1 Page
All git, all the time
5 Feb 21, updated 11 Feb 21
2 Pages
In the "Common Testing Concepts" cheat sheet you will find the basic methodology definitions for testing types, testing documents, development models- advantages and disadvantages
10 Jan 21
2 Pages
A cheat sheet about JVM
11 Jan 21
1 Page
Stuff related to Java Annotations and Annotation Processing
5 May 21
1 Page
Ik behandel in deze "cheatsheet" de meeste keywords die ik gebruik bij het schrijven van query's in DBeaver.
21 Jan 21
2 Pages
This is a cheat sheet for pseudocode in Computer Science IGCSE ~
22 Jan 21
1 Page
Python quick reference
1 Aug 22
8 Pages
It provides detailed information about the structure of the template
25 Jan 21
1 Page
2 Pages
Atajos de Pycharm en Español
28 Jan 21, updated 2 Feb 21
1 Page
AspectJ for Fortgeschrittene Java Programmierung, THI
5 May 21
1 Page
A basic Git cheat sheet
24 Feb 21, updated 28 Feb 21
3 Pages
Git cheat sheet o chuleta de git con los comandos más usados. Tú referencia de ayuda con todas las características.
13 Feb 21, updated 17 Feb 21
7 Pages
Firebase-Express backend functions - written as in Node.js May be published to firebase or use local firebase server utility for testing.
17 Feb 21
2 Pages
Keyboard shortcuts for IntelliJ mapped from corresponding shortcuts in Eclipse and other useful information when going from Eclipse to IntelliJ.
8 Mar 21
2 Pages
This cheat sheet has been created to help you understand Python's high-level and general-purpose programming language.
5 Mar 21
2 Pages
ARM instructions cheatsheet
10 Mar 21
1 Page
python cheat sheet for interview
11 Mar 21, updated 23 Mar 21
3 Pages
Contains the basics of Python programming
10 Mar 21
3 Pages
The most important information you need to know before taking the Certified Senior Agile Project Manager (CSAPM) certification exam, by the International Association of Project Managers (IAPM).
14 Apr 21, updated 12 May 22
2 Pages
Guidelines from the book "Clean Machine Learning Code" by Moussa Taifi and from PEP8
25 Mar 21, updated 26 Mar 21
7 Pages
Essential of Data Structures and Algorithms!
30 Mar 21
1 Page
Are you looking for a quick reference to turn to every time you need to look up the basic operations of selenium? Well if you are then this is just what you need. We at Intellipaat understand that it could be a bit of a hassle to remember every aspect of technology and that is why we have come up with a Selenium cheat sheet to assist our learners whenever they need a handy reference containing all the basics of selenium.
25 Mar 21
3 Pages
5 Pages
Contains formulas, tables, and examples showing patterns and options focused on number formatting for Python's Formatted String Literals -- i.e., F-Strings.
16 Mar 22
2 Pages
Collection of library methods useful for scripting.
22 May 21
1 Page
Focus on Working with rebase over merge and managing commit history. Long form commands are utilized for clarity (and recommended). Includes Graphical interface recommendations.
8 Apr 21, updated 4 May 21
1 Page
un poco de todo de mysql, para hacer tablas y tambien para hacer busquedas
13 Apr 21
1 Page
Step by step instruction to automatically generate docs with Sphinx for Python project
8 Apr 21, updated 9 Apr 21
1 Page
7 Pages
Salesforce Development
10 Apr 21, updated 1 May 22
3 Pages
The Ultimate Java Cheat Sheet for programmers who are already familiar with programming in a different language. CS without specific package info. Optimized for printing.
7 Jul 21, updated 12 Jul 21
2 Pages
Various UNIX shell commands for programming, env and system management. Those commends are helpful, to me, but not often used. I had made this sheet to avoid periodically searching another time for the same thing.
20 Jul 21, updated 20 Dec 22
3 Pages
Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital in every business! Whether you are a small business owner or a large company, search engine optimization drives business across all industries in this modern world.
27 Apr 21
1 Page
Quick is an ORM library for Coldfusion/Lucee built by Eric Peterson from Ortus Solutions. Code: Docs:
27 Apr 21, updated 30 Apr 21