Data Types (13)
Type |
Range |
Description |
boolean |
{0,1} |
Z |
byte |
-27 to 27 -1, inclusive |
B |
short |
-215 to 215-1, inclusive |
S |
int |
-231 to 231-1, inclusive |
I |
long |
-263 to 263-1, inclusive |
L |
char |
16 bit unsigned Unicode (0 to 216 -1) |
C |
float |
32-bit IEEE 754 single-precision float |
F |
double |
64-bit IEEE 754 double-precision float |
D |
returnAddress |
address of an opcode within the same method |
class reference |
Lclass-name; |
interface reference |
Linter-name |
array reference |
[[..[component type] |
void |
V |
Type Conversion Instructions
i2l, i2f, i2d, l2f, l2d, and f2d |
Only i2f is used in MP compiler |
Operand Stack Management Instructions
dup, pop,dup2, pop2, swap |
Object Creation and Manipulation
Create a new class instance |
new |
Create a new array |
newarray, anewarray, multianewarray |
Access field of classes ( staticfield/class variables) and field of class instanes (non-static fields, known as instance variables) |
getfield, putfield, getstatic, putstatic |
Load an array component onto the operand stack |
<T>aload |
Store a value from the operand stack as an array component |
<T>astore |
Jasmin Instructions (10)
Arithmetic Instructions |
Load and store instructions |
Control transfer instructions |
Type conversion instructions |
Operand stack management instructions |
Object creation and manipulation |
Method invocation instructions |
Throwing instructions (not used) |
Implemeneting finally (not used) |
Synchoronisation (not used) |
Load and Store
Load a loadcal variable onto the operand stack |
Store a value from the operand stack into a local variable |
<T>aload -> T:b,s,i,l,f,d,c,a |
<T>astore -> T: b,s,i,l,f,d,c,a |
Load and Store (cont)
Value |
bipush |
int const, -27 to 27-1 |
sipush |
int const, -215 to 215-1 |
ldc |
int, float, quote string const |
ldc_w |
long,double const |
ldc2_w |
long, double const |
aconst_null |
null |
iconst_m1 |
-1 |
iconst_<i> |
0,...,5 |
lconst_<l> |
0,1 |
fconst_<f> |
0.0, 1.0 and 2.0 |
dconst_<d> |
0.0, 1.0 |
Method Invocation Instructions
invokestatic |
invokevitual |
invokespecial |
invokeinterface <method-spec> <num-args> |
Arithmetic Instructions
Add |
iadd, ladd, fadd, dadd |
Subtract |
isub, lsub, fsub, dsub |
Multiply |
imul, lmul, fmul, dmul |
Divide |
idiv, ldiv, fdiv, ddiv |
Remainder |
irem, lrem, frem, drem |
Shift |
ishl, ishr, iushr, lshl, lshr, lushr |
Bitwise OR |
ior, lor |
Bitwise AND |
iand, land |
Bitwise exclusive OR |
ixor, lxor |
Local variable increment |
iinc |
Comparision |
dcmpg, dcmpl, fcmpg, fcmpl, Icmp. |
Control Transfer Instructions
Unconditional branch |
goto, goto_w, jsr, jsr_w, ret |
Conditional branch |
ifeq, iflt, ifle, ifne, ifgt, ifge |
compare an int to zero |
ifnull, ifnonnull |
compare a ref to null |
if_icmpeq, if_icmpne, if_icmplt, if_icmpgt, if_icmple,if_icmpge |
compare two integers |
if_acmpeq_ if_acmpne |
compare two references |
Compund conditional branch |
tableswitch, lookupswitch |
Jasmin Directives
.source <> |
.class < the current class> |
.super < the super class> |
.limit |
.method < the method description> |
.field <the field description> |
.end |
.var < the variable description> |
.line < the line number in source code> |
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