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Cheat Sheets Matching "engineering"

73 Cheat Sheets

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1 Page
Cheatsheet showing the social engineering attacks within the social engineering toolkit
2 May 22
4 Pages
Key Points on ISTQB Test Automation Engineering sourced from:
12 May 20, updated 23 Oct 20
apache, apache, test, test, testing and 277 more ...
3 Pages
Like any other language or tool, Python has some best practices to follow before, during, and after the process of writing your code. These make the code readable and create a standard across the industry. Other developers working on the project should be able to read and understand your code.
11 Aug 20
python, code, software, engineering, best and 3 more ...
3 Pages
A reference to the arcane syntax of the Gnu Debugger, GDB. This cheat sheet is tailored for a reverse-engineering audience.
2 May 13, updated 12 May 16
4 Pages
3 Pages
From Patents to the Internet Crime
21 May 14, updated 12 May 16
digital, final, chapter, law, 6 and 3 more ...
2 Pages
Es coneix com a IA la disciplina que tracta de crear màquines intel·ligents, de manera que siguin capaces d'enraonar, comprendre i produir els mateixos resultats que els humans
19 Mar 21
2 Pages
Based of SANS's Reverse-Engineering Malware Cheatsheet
10 Mar 24
3 Pages
MQL Syntax and Example
30 Oct 19
3 Pages
CPP Cheat Sheet for ENGN 150 Midterm
18 Mar 24, updated 1 May 24
2 Pages
In the "Common Testing Concepts" cheat sheet you will find the basic methodology definitions for testing types, testing documents, development models- advantages and disadvantages
10 Jan 21
3 Pages
Cheet Sheet detailing the menu options and important config options of the Social Engineering Toolkit
6 May 23
1 Page
Tutorial how to set up Arduino IDE to code Micro:bit
2 Dec 20
3 Pages
Explanation of how code BBC Micro:bit from Arduino IDE.
2 Dec 20
2 Pages
Process Scheduling is done in Operating System to allocate CPU to the processes.
11 Nov 20
2 Pages
Process Scheduling in Operating System
10 Nov 20
6 Pages
This all about Q and A for DS IQs
3 Oct 20
5 Pages
28 Sep 20, updated 29 Sep 20
2 Pages
Poster de investigación sobre la tecnología 5G
10 Sep 20
1 Page
Cheat Sheet for Microsoft T4 Templates
2 Sep 20
1 Page
This is a simple IP-Adressing Cheat Sheet
25 Aug 20
2 Pages
Principales características y usos de sistemas de almacenamiento NAS y SAN vinculados al servicio de base de datos.
3 Apr 20
2 Pages
Ventajas, desventajas y características de NAS y SAN Carlos Daniel Licona Alfonso
3 Apr 20
1 Page
1 Page
This cheat sheet establishes certain factors and best practices that may be considered when implementing a product-aligned organization for a financial services organization.
23 Jun 22
12 Pages
2 Pages
Important rules and information for playing a Rigger in Shadowrun 6E, info from both Core Rulebook Seattle and Core Rigger Rulebook Double Dutch.
3 Aug 22
3 Pages
1 Page
PHYS157 - Introductory Physics for Engineerings @ UBC cheat sheet for the types of engines
26 Oct 22
100 Pages
Daily Terminologies used in Agile Software Development - Useful for all Software Developers, Engineering Managers, Scrum Masters, Software Architects, Product Managers and Agile Practitioners.
30 Oct 21
1 Page
Polymers section of D&T IGCSE Edexcel part 1
10 Oct 22
5 Pages
A condensed and reorganized cheat sheet for the Matrix using the SR6 Core Rulebook: Seattle Edition
1 Aug 22
6 Pages
Study guide on food systems
8 Dec 21
3 Pages
Aquesta Cheetsheet és fruit del curs d'Indústria 4.0, Bloc 3, Intel·ligència Artificial del Departament d'Educació.
23 Mar 21
3 Pages
11 Sep 14, updated 13 May 16
3 Pages
Cheat sheet for the roles in Starfinder combat
17 Oct 17, updated 7 Mar 20
1 Page
Boolean Algebra Laws and theorems cheat sheet
1 Sep 21
1 Page
my first attempt in making a cheat sheet for my exam
31 Dec 22
2 Pages
16 Jan 15, updated 12 May 16
3 Pages
A comprehensive guide covering all of the commands available on teenage engineering's Pocket Operator line of calculator-sized synthesizers.
26 Feb 18, updated 24 Jun 21
4 Pages
Gate CSE, ECE, EEE syllbus
11 Sep 14, updated 12 May 16
2 Pages
This cheat sheet is a summary of the OOP course taught in INSAT to 2nd year students who chose the Software Engineering branch
26 Oct 21
2 Pages
Guidelines from the book "Clean Machine Learning Code" by Moussa Taifi and from PEP8
25 Mar 21, updated 26 Mar 21
2 Pages
This is a cheat sheet for ICS3U. A computer science course (for g11) in Ontario Canada
15 Jun 15, updated 12 May 16
2 Pages
11 Sep 14, updated 11 May 16
2 Pages
Passive Recon Cheatsheet
29 Jul 15, updated 10 May 16
1 Page
2 Pages
1 Page
11 Sep 14, updated 13 May 16
2 Pages
Systems Analysis Defining Requirements
29 May 15, updated 13 May 16
class, models, systems, analysis, defining and 3 more ...
1 Page
EE Gate Syllabus
11 Sep 14, updated 13 May 16
2 Pages
11 Sep 14, updated 13 May 16
21 Pages
Key terms in Physics A Level - AQA with Engineering
3 Jun 17
8 Pages
Notizen zum Aufsetzen eines RADES Projektes
10 Mar 19
1 Page
Quick notes/intro for router debugging and rooting. Including tools, terms, and tactics.
11 Sep 20
5 Pages
Selenium WebDriver Code Examples in Java Programming (Helpful to refer this sheet before attending Interviews)
15 Nov 16, updated 23 Oct 20
apache, apache, testing, testing, testing and 223 more ...
2 Pages
A brief explanation for psychologists in the following units: social influence, memory, attachment and psychopathology
14 Apr 17
3 Pages
An introduction to basic terminology and concepts of Web Accessibility.
13 Feb 17, updated 20 Nov 17
accessibility, pour, a11y, wai, wai-aria and 3 more ...
1 Page
Basic way to start reverse engineering and exploitation
18 Jan 17, updated 26 Sep 18