270 Chemistry Cheat Sheets
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270 Cheat Sheets tagged with Chemistry
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Inorgânica Básica Cheat SheetQuímica inorgânica básica, teorias ácidos e bases, compostos de coordenação, teoria do campo cristalino, português, Brasil.
23 Mar 22
QUÍMICA SEGUNDO PARCIAL Cheat SheetLos temas incluidos son: Soluciones, reacciones químicas, estequeometría, reacciones redox, cinética química, equilibrio químico y ácidos y bases.
18 Jun 22, updated 19 Jun 22
Basics of Chemistry Cheat SheetChemistry is the science and study of matter, including its properties, composition as well as reactivity. Chemistry relates to everything that can be sensed from minute elements to complex structures. The atom and molecules are the basic unit or components of Chemistry. The study of chemists is always interested in identifying and knowing how chemical transformation occurs. It plays an essential role in science and plays a central role in daily life activities.
18 Aug 22
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