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Software Cheat Sheets

1287 Software Cheat Sheets

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5 Pages
A list of Excel Keyboard shortcuts for Windows. Shortcuts Confirmed functional in Excel 2007, 2010, 2013. Some shortcuts may not work in Excel 2016. Some shortcuts will work in other Microsoft programs.
24 Mar 22
1 Page
Este es un cheatsheet con el API para dibujar y mostrar objetos 3D en processing.
25 Mar 22
1 Page
Transformaciones 3D en processing
29 Mar 22
13 Pages
Model Evaluation Tools (MET) and its companion package METplus Wrappers
7 Apr 22
1 Page
20 Apr 22
1 Page
Cheatsheet showing the social engineering attacks within the social engineering toolkit
2 May 22
2 Pages
A set of easy and frequently used features for Wifite 2. Wifite - Python script to automate wireless auditing using aircrack-ng tools.
5 May 22
1 Page
Camtasia 2021 Shortcuts / Hot Keys for Mac OS
20 May 22, updated 3 Jun 22
2 Pages
Cheatsheet with keyboard shortcuts for Techsmith's SnagIt Mac. Someone else can do the version for Windows. Last update 2022-06-02
22 May 22, updated 3 Jun 22
3 Pages
1 Page
3 Pages
Cheat sheet for networking, file manipulation, shell and scripts, packet capture, forensics, and exploitation tools.
8 Jun 22
1 Page
Comandos básicos para los más nuevos
24 Oct 22
10 Pages
1 Page
tmux cheatsheet configured with oh my tmux settings (
19 Jun 22
2 Pages
Midnight Commander Keyboard Shortcuts
29 Jun 22, updated 7 Mar 23
17 Pages
A one-stop source for all the list of available actions in Power Automate Desktop. ~Version 2.37
9 Jul 22, updated 14 Dec 23
1 Page
Pop!_OS Keyboard Shortcuts adapted from
6 Jul 22
3 Pages
This are my personal cheatsheet for Neovim
10 Jul 22
2 Pages
Useful tips to create filters to filter LDAP/Active Directory entries.
14 Jul 22
5 Pages
com is a TOPS-20ish TALK (aka LINK) for UNIX. It basically links multiple TTYs together, though differently than in ITS or TOPS-20. It supports multiple public/private rooms, chat logging and automated cleanup. com runs on
13 Aug 22
2 Pages
Quick Cheatsheet I setup for all the Logseq shortcuts I keep forgetting
20 Jul 22, updated 26 Jan 23
1 Page
Terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems
21 Jul 22
2 Pages
Keybindings in default vim and extensions, added by my configuration from
24 Jul 22
2 Pages
Generating API Reference Documentation using Redocly CLI.
9 Aug 22