Cheat Sheets Matching "Python"
60 Cheat Sheets
Python Date Time Format (strftime) Cheat Sheet
Python Date/Time string formatting options
30 Mar 22, updated 31 Mar 22
Python 3 Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheet en français avec tout ce qui me semble essentiel à avoir pour Python 3
14 Apr 22
OneStop(Nerd)Shop Cheat Sheet
My personal cheatsheet, for many things. Maybe one day it will be "official".
For now the scope is:
Python, Javascript, Shell, Ubuntu Multipass, and various penetration testing tools.
17 Mar 22
Sherlock (Python) Cheat Sheet
Brief summary of Sherlock (Python)--a utility to locate instances of usernames found on various websites.
1 May 22, updated 2 May 22
PhoneInfoga/Infoga Cheat Sheet
Brief summary of options available for both Infoga--a Python utility designed to gather email addresses from a given domain--and PhoneInfoga--a Python utility designed to gather information about a supplied phone number.
1 May 22, updated 2 May 22
Comparing Core Pyspark and Pandas Code Cheat Sheet
Do you already know Python and work with Pandas? Do you work with Big Data? Then PySpark should be your friend!
PySpark is a Python API for Spark which is a general-purpose distributed data processing engine. It does computations in a distributed manner which enables the ability to analyse a large amount of data in a short time.
3 May 22, updated 28 May 22
Data Flow with Python
3 Sep 22
Social Engineering Toolkit Cheat Sheet
Cheatsheet showing the social engineering attacks within the social engineering toolkit
2 May 22
Regular expressions in one of the important topic in python. It is widely used by developer and testers. If you want to play around with data. One should know regular expressions.
19 Jul 22
Security+ Commands for Windows and Linux Cheat Sheet
Cheat sheet for networking, file manipulation, shell and scripts, packet capture, forensics, and exploitation tools.
8 Jun 22
Python Fuer Data Science
1 Jul 22
Linux Basics/Pentesting Tutorials Cheat Sheet
Just some basics covering basic Linux command line and a little bit of pentesting basics.
6 Jul 22
Python Regex Cheat Sheet by
Основные метасимволы и флаги в Regex, последовательности символов, наборы и диапазоны символов
1 Nov 22
This explains Iterators, Generators and decorators in one page
22 Jul 22
Python para principiantes Cheat Sheet
Para iniciar en python es necesario conocer un poco de su historia y sus diversas aplicaciones en el área de la programación
12 Feb 23
Python -> Collections.deque() Cheat Sheet
Imagina poder interactuar con una lista de manera fácil y rápida! No ciclos innecesarios
4 Feb 23
Chap_8 Cheat Sheet
Les modules sont des programmes Python qui contiennent des fonctions que l'on est amené à réutiliser souvent (on les appelle aussi bibliothèques ou libraries)
25 Sep 23
Python - Mathématiques Spécialités Cheat Sheet
Feuille de triche pour ne pas oublié le language python avec les Maths de Spécialité en Lycée Général.
1 Nov 23
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