Data Type
Integer |
-100, 0, -100 |
Float |
-100.98, 0.0001, 90.00 |
String |
'Python', '400', '100+200', 'True' |
Boolean |
True, False |
Numeric |
Comparison |
+ |
Addition |
== |
Equal |
- |
Subtraction |
!= |
Different |
* |
Multplication |
> |
Higher |
/ |
Division |
< |
Lower |
** |
Exponent |
>= |
Higher or Equal |
% |
Modulus |
<= |
Lower or Equal |
// |
Floor Division |
Boolean |
String |
& |
Logical AND |
+ |
Concatenation |
| |
Logical OR |
not |
Logical NOT |
Assignment Statement & Expression
Expression is a combination of values, variables, and operators |
222 |
'text' |
25+36 |
'App' + 'le' |
Assignment Statement links a variable name on the left hand side of the operator, with an expression on the right hand side. |
a = 222 |
b = 'text' |
c = 25 +36 |
d = 'App' + 'le' |
a = a + 1 |
List Operations
Create a List |
L1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] |
Get the first element |
L1[0] |
Get the last element |
L1[-1] |
Count List elements |
len() |
Insert an element |
insert() |
Insert an element to the end |
append() |
Sort all elements |
sort() |
Remove an element |
pop() |
Convert object to List |
list() |
Slicing Expression |
List Name[start index : stop index : step size] |
(Step size is optional) |
Examples |
2nd - 5th elements |
L1[1:5] |
2nd - Last elements |
L1[1:] |
1st - 3rd elements |
L1[0:3] |
All alternate elements |
L1[::2] |
Dictionary (Dict.) Operations
Create a Dict. |
D1 = {"Andrew":18, "Johnson":23, "Olivia":22} |
Create a Dict. from two Lists |
dict(zip()) |
Access Dict. value |
D1["Andrew"] |
Update Dict. value |
D1["Andrew"] = 20 |
Add an element |
D1["Sue"] = 25 |
Drop an element |
del D1["Johnson"] |
Count Dict. elements |
len() |
Return all keys |
keys() |
Return all values |
values() |
Tuple Operations
Create a Tuple |
T1 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) |
Convert List to Tuple |
tuple() |
Note: Tuple elements are immutable and cannot be changed via operations. |
Set Operations
Create a Set |
S1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} |
Insert an element |
add() |
Find unique elements |
set() |
Create a Set with all elements from 2 Sets |
union() |
Create a Set with common elements from 2 Sets |
intersection() |
List Comprehension
newlist = [expression for variable in sequence if condition] |
Conditional Statements
if Condition 1:
Code Block 1
elif Condition 2:
Code Block 2
elif Condition 3:
Code Block 3
Code Block 4
for Loops
for <variable> in <sequence>:
Code Block
for x in range(0,5):
while Loops
while <expression>:
Code Block
i = 2
while i <= 10:
i = i + 3
Nested loop
for iterating_var in sequence:
for iterating_var in sequence:
Code Block1
Code Block2
while <expression>:
while <expression>:
Code Block1
Code Block2
Statements used with Loops
break |
Terminate the whole loop |
continue |
Stop the current iteration of the loop, and continue with the next. Loop does not terminate. |
pass |
Do nothing and continue the rest of the code inside a loop for the current iteration |
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