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Education Cheat Sheets

3295 Education Cheat Sheets

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13 Pages
This exam consists of chapters 1-4 in the webtext: The Texas Constitution, Federalism, Local Governments, and Interest Groups
27 Sep 22
1 Page
Useful grammar constructions to describe things in present
23 Sep 22, updated 24 Sep 22
2 Pages
Molecules: electronegativity, bonds, polarity Transcription Translation Proteins + Amino Acids
27 Sep 22, updated 23 Oct 22
2 Pages
AP Statistics Unit 2 Study Guide
28 Feb 24
1 Page
Matura rozszerzona- czasy
27 Sep 22
2 Pages
Study guide for Translation, Cell/Membrane Organization and Enzymes+Metabolism
4 Oct 22
1 Page
Level 1 Genetics, basic meiosis, and mitosis, definitions, etc.
19 Oct 22
3 Pages
Descriptive epidemiology involves observation, definitions, measurements, interpretations, dissemination, of health-related states or events by person, place and time.
4 Oct 22
5 Pages
Define descriptive epidemiology. Describe uses strengths, and limitations of selected descriptive study designs such as ecologic study, case report, case series, and cross sectional survey. Define ration, proportion, and rate. Distinguish between crude and be able to calculate age adjusted rates using either the direct or the indirect method. Define standardized morbidity (or mortality) ration.
3 Oct 22
6 Pages
basic research methods in experimental psychology
9 Jan 23
5 Pages
data analysis techniques and methods in psychological research
9 Jan 23
1 Page
This cheat sheet is for glossary of EAP
13 Oct 22
1 Page
Polymers section of D&T IGCSE Edexcel part 1
10 Oct 22
1 Page
This cheat sheet is for glossary of Week 1
13 Oct 22
1 Page
This cheat sheet is for glossary of Week 3
13 Oct 22
1 Page
This cheat sheet is for glossary of EAP for week 4.
13 Oct 22
1 Page
This cheat sheet is for glossary of EAP for week 5.
13 Oct 22
1 Page
This glossary is for Week 7
13 Oct 22
2 Pages
The organism , environment and feeding relationships IGCSE Biology Edexcel
13 Oct 22
2 Pages
I used Fundaments of Nursing by Yoost & Crawford & Medical-Surgical Nursing by Ignatavicius, Workman, Rebar, & Heimgartner to complete this cheat sheet.
3 Dec 22
2 Pages
NCEA Level 1 Demand cheat sheet
19 Oct 22, updated 21 Oct 22
2 Pages
MIL Reviewer for quizzes
23 Oct 22, updated 24 Oct 22
2 Pages
Growth and development
18 Oct 22
1 Page
1 Page