200 Vim Cheat Sheets
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200 Cheat Sheets tagged with Vim
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vim.spf13 Cheat SheetKeys combination and other notes while exploring vim.spf13.com's "The Ultimate Vim Distribution"
14 Oct 12, updated 11 May 16
Personal Vim Shortcuts Cheat SheetThese are my personal shortcuts for *vim*. If you want to try it, just grab a copy of my configuration on GitHub: https://github.com/Townk/vim-config
1 Jun 13, updated 11 May 16
Vim Configuration Cheat SheetVim Configuration - This is a description of the shortcuts I use the most in my vim configuration. Note that some of this shortcuts might have been remaped and might not work in a vanilla vim configuration unless the .vimrc is changed accordingly.
31 Oct 14, updated 11 May 16
My VIM cheatsheet Cheat SheetPersonal vim cheatsheets including lots of plugins. Vimrc available at https://github.com/jwldk/vim
11 Dec 14, updated 12 May 16
Intermediate Vim Cheat SheetI've been using Vim for a more than a year. This is my collection of intermediate-level features I want to get more comfortable with!
24 Feb 15, updated 10 May 16
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