Edit .vimrc |
,ev |
Edit .gvimrc |
,eg |
Edit custom config for work |
,ew |
Explore remote files |
,rf |
Reset remote host info |
,rn |
Vim help for word under cursor |
,hw |
Vim help for WORD under cursor |
,hW |
Go to last used buffer |
,bl |
Go to next buffer |
,bn |
Go to previous buffer |
,bp |
Open alternate1 file |
⌘+⌥+↑ |
,A |
1 The alternate file is a header for an implementation and vice-versa (e.g. .h to .cpp)
Vim settings
Toggle highlight search as you type |
,ht |
Clear search register |
,hc |
Toggle spell checking |
,st |
Toggle show line numbers |
,ln |
Toggle show relative line numbers |
,lr |
Toggle text wrap |
,lw |
Toggle show hidden characters |
,sc |
Toggle doxygen syntax for buffer |
,xt |
Scroll buffer right |
⌃ + L |
Scroll buffer left |
⌃ + H |
Next entry on quicklist |
]q |
Previous entry on quicklist |
[q |
First entry on quicklist |
[Q |
Last entry on quicklist |
]Q |
Search for selected content |
,ss |
Ack cursor word |
,sa |
Ack cursor WORD |
,sA |
Move current line up |
⌃ + K |
Move current line down |
⌃ + J |
Indent a JSON buffer |
,ij |
Indent an XML buffer |
,ix |
Buffers |
,fb |
File on pwd |
,ff |
File on pwd traversing directories |
,fi |
Directories |
,fd |
Recent files |
,fr |
Recent commands |
,fc |
Bookmarks |
,fk |
Tags |
,ft |
Tagged file |
,fe |
Jump list |
,fj |
Change list |
,fg |
Quickfix |
,fq |
Lines of current buffer |
,fl |
Help topics |
,fh |
File on buffer's directory |
,fwf |
Directory on buffer's tree |
,fwd |
Tag with cursor word |
,fiw |
Add bookmark |
,fab |
Add bookmark as selected text |
,fas |
Refresh current projects |
,pr |
Refresh all projects |
,pra |
Project information |
,pi |
Projects Tree |
,pn |
Project Todo |
,pd |
Project Problems |
,pp |
Todo |
,td |
Locate file |
,jf |
Validate buffer |
,vf |
Java Autocorrection |
,jr |
Java Import Organize |
,jo |
Java Format |
,ji |
Java Hierarchy |
,jh |
Super class methods |
,jp |
Java Doc Search |
,jd |
Android reload |
,ar |
Google word |
,gt |
Google WORD |
,gT |
Google word for android |
,ga |
Google WORD for android |
,gA |
Look up word definition |
,dt |
Look up WORD definition |
,dT |
git status |
,gs |
git commit |
,gc |
git commit --amend |
,gm |
git log |
,gl |
git blame |
,gb |
git diff |
,gd |
Write current buffer to the index |
,gw |
Read from HEAD into current buffer |
,gr |
Browse changes on current buffer |
,gb |
Other Plugins
NERDTree |
F2 |
,d |
NERDTree buffer selected |
⇧+F2 |
,D |
Gundo |
F5 |
,u |
Peepopen |
,t |
VOom |
F6 |
,vo |
Update help tags for Pathogen |
,pt |
Taglist |
F4 |
,tl |
SelectBuf |
F3 |
Insert Mode Maps
New line bellow cursor |
⌃+⏎ |
⌃+J |
New line above cursor |
⌃+⇧+⏎ |
⌃+K |
Add braces on new line |
⌃+H |
Add braces on same line |
⌃+L |
Add ';' to EoL1 |
⌥+; |
Add a ':' to EoL1 |
⌥+: |
Work Only
ant clean |
,wc |
ant debug |
,wb |
ant installd |
,wi |
ant debug install |
.wa |
ant clean debug install |
,wf |
adb reboot |
,wr |
adb push |
,wp |
adb connect |
,ac |
Start android settings |
,ws |
Start main activity |
,wl |
Open DDMS |
,ad |
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