148 Law Cheat Sheets
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148 Cheat Sheets tagged with Law
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Legal Studies Cheat SheetTerms and Descriptions for legal studies. Mostly for my own use, may not apply for all. Australian terms are used.
30 Aug 22, updated 31 Aug 22
Study Unit 2 - The LoS and The Constitution Cheat SheetThe constitution impacts the Law of succession in the following areas: 1) Common and Customary Low of Intestate Succession; 2) Maintenance upon death and 3) Law of Testate succession.
This cheatsheet summaries the ways in which the SAn legislature and Courts have impacted the Law of Succession - specifically through it's definition of "spouse"
5 Apr 22, updated 6 Apr 22
Succession Law: Study Unit One Cheat SheetThe LoS comprises the legal rules that regulate the distribution of assets from the estate of a deceased person to the estate of their successor.
- **Sources of Law:** Statute, Case; Customary & Common Law
- **Estate:** Accumulation of deceased assets & liabilities - liabilities are not transferred.
5 Apr 22
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