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Cheat Sheets in 日本語 (にほんご) (Japanese)

16 Cheat Sheets

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1 Page
11 Mar 16, updated 13 May 16
1 Page
1 Page
19 Apr 21, updated 2 Aug 21
1 Page
2 Pages
win/mac/vs code/emmet のプログラミング内外で使えそうなショートカット集です
2 Mar 22
19 Pages
Hi guys! I have recently completed genki 1 and 2, and will like to share with you all my concise grammar notes to give back to the community. Do take a look and enjoy! Sorry if there are any mistakes! Also some parts have a little bit of chinese in them as I am chinese.
23 Jul 22
2 Pages
Creating this cheat sheet for a fast and easy reference for some of the important details to remember when creating portfolio companies and deals.
3 May 23
Hiragana, Katakana, JLPT N5 kanji, particles, grammar, common verb and adjective forms, verb conjugation guide, and much more.
2 Nov 12, updated 11 May 16
beginner, basic, japanese, grammar, verbs and 6 more ...
1 Page
A kana chart complete with pronunciation, origins, mnemonics and phrases.
21 Feb 23

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