List of common jQuery selectors. I had compiled this list a while ago into a word document but do not remember the source now.
* |
All |
element |
Element |
.class |
Class |
#id |
ID |
[name] |
Has Attribute |
[name|="value"] |
Contains Prefix (before hyphen (-)) |
[name*="value"] |
Contains |
[name~="value"] |
Contains Word |
[name^="value"] |
Starts With |
[name$="value"] |
Ends With |
[name="value"] |
Equals |
[name!="value"] |
Not Equal |
[name="v"][name2="v2"] |
Multiple Attributes |
:button |
Button |
:checkbox |
Checkbox |
:submit |
Submit |
:text |
Text |
:password |
Password |
:radio |
Radio |
:reset |
Reset |
:file |
File |
:image |
Image |
:input |
input, textarea, select and button elements |
:contains(text) |
Elements that contain the specified text. |
:eq(n) |
Element at index n within the matched set. |
:gt(n) |
Elements at an index greater than n within the matched set. |
:lt(n) |
Elements at an index less than index within the matched set. |
:has(selector) |
Elements which contain at least one element that matches the specified selector. |
:not(selector) |
Elements that do not match the given selector. |
:nth-child() |
Elements that are the nth-child of their parent. |
:empty |
Elements that have no children (including text nodes). |
:even |
Even elements, zero-indexed. |
:first |
The first matched element. |
:header |
Elements that are headers, like h1, h2, h3 and so on. |
:last |
The last matched element. |
:odd |
Odd elements, zero-indexed. |
Element State
:checked |
Checked |
:animated |
Animated |
:disabled |
Disabled |
:enabled |
Enabled |
:focus |
Focused |
:selected |
Selected |
:visible |
Visible |
:hidden |
Hidden |
parent > child |
Direct child elements specified by "child" of elements specified by "parent". |
ancestor descendant |
Elements that are descendants of a given ancestor. |
selector1, selector2, selectorN |
Combined results of all the specified selectors. |
prev + next |
Next elements matching "next" that are immediately preceded by a sibling "prev". |
prev ~ siblings |
Sibling elements that follow after the "prev" element, have the same parent, and match the filtering "siblings" selector. |
:first-child |
Elements that are the first child of their parent. |
:last-child |
Elements that are the last child of their parent. |
:only-child |
Elements that are the only child of their parent. |
:parent |
Elements that are the parent of another element, including text nodes. |
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and 88 more ...
I know this will make a lot of people very happy - a jQuery cheat sheet has been requested for a long time! Good job :)
Should probably be called 'jQuery Selector Cheat Sheet' as it only covers that topic. Useful though, thanks,
Yeah, as Ben said it is only jQuery "selectors" - which are basically CSS selectors with a few helpful additions.
This will be great to some other beginners, like me.
Hmm, maybe it would be good to have the methods listed with args too. This is what I look up the most.
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