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543 Linux Cheat Sheets

Linux (or GNU/Linux, to give it its full name) is one of the most widely used operating systems in the World. Yet to gain a large share of desktop usage, it does power the overwhelming majority of web servers. Our Linux cheat sheets provide help for everything from command line tasks to keyboard shortcuts.

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543 Cheat Sheets tagged with Linux

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3 Pages
Keyboard shortcuts for navigating the Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop environment. Updated for Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa" on 6 Nov 2022.
17 May 20, updated 7 Nov 22
1 Page
A brief review of the commands found in the book DevOps Troubleshooting.
4 Jun 20
4 Pages
Linux most basic commands
3 Aug 20
1 Page
Are you a command line user? Do you long-running jobs via the terminal you don't want to close even if you accidentally lose your connection? If so, tmux is for you!
14 Sep 20, updated 12 Jan 23
3 Pages
A quick reference guide for genomic profiling using covSonar (
14 Feb 23, updated 15 Feb 23
6 Pages
A complete guide to Linux command Line and it can be used as a reference for both beginners and advanced level users
19 Oct 21, updated 9 Oct 23
1 Page
3 Pages
Helix Editor Keyboard Shortcuts
18 Mar 22
1 Page
20 Apr 22
1 Page
Cheatsheet showing the social engineering attacks within the social engineering toolkit
2 May 22
2 Pages
A set of easy and frequently used features for Wifite 2. Wifite - Python script to automate wireless auditing using aircrack-ng tools.
5 May 22
1 Page
Comandos básicos para los más nuevos
24 Oct 22
10 Pages
1 Page
tmux cheatsheet configured with oh my tmux settings (
19 Jun 22
1 Page
Pop!_OS Keyboard Shortcuts adapted from
6 Jul 22
1 Page
Terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems
21 Jul 22
1 Page
Dicas de como utilizar o tmux configurado por
26 Aug 22
2 Pages
Meerkats *Suricata suricatta* are known for their sentinel behavior, patiently and alertly standing watch over their class. Sentries who stand guard gain trust through their experience and reputation, not through their age or social rank. Suricata is an open source intrusion detection and prevention engine.
20 Oct 22, updated 13 Jan 23
rules, signatures, json, action, jq and 4 more ...
1 Page
Cheatsheet from
22 Sep 22, updated 1 Oct 22
1 Page
A collection of usefull commands
22 Oct 22
3 Pages
Linux Logical Volume Manager commands for managing storage on a Linux system.
1 Dec 22
1 Page
Pop!_OS Keyboard Shortcuts Updated 2022
5 Dec 22
2 Pages
A list of useful bash/zsh shell commands
26 Feb 23
bash, linux, ubuntu, mint, unix and 7 more ...
3 Pages
Ansible Playbook reminder
26 Jan 23, updated 12 Jul 24