87 German Cheat Sheets
Related tags: Deutsch Vocabulary English A2 Grammar
87 Cheat Sheets tagged with German
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German Tenses Cheat SheetThis is a sheet for the 6 tenses in german. Each will have an example of how to conjugate weak(regular) and strong(irregular) verbs, and when the tense is used.
This should be read in the order of Present tense, Simple past, Present perfect/perfect tense, Past perfect, Future tense, Furture perfect.
The PDF messes up the order and a lot of things overlap, i would suggest reading this here and not in the PDF.
There will be a Dictionary at the bottom for refrence
9 Jul 22, updated 10 Jul 22
German Cases Cheat SheetThis is German cases 101. This is mostly made for myself so sorry if things are a bit confusing, i tried my best to keep it understandable to others.
My apologies for this being formatted strangly, if i didnt do it this way things would overlap and become hard to read.
Reading order: Definite and Indefinite Articles + Pronouns > Norminative > Accusitive > Dative > Genitive > Misc.
7 Aug 22
A2. 9 Arbeitswelten Cheat SheetI had already started the vocabulary for this chapter on this cheatsheet. So, it will be kept here.
16 Nov 22, updated 9 Jan 23
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