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Software Cheat Sheets

1287 Software Cheat Sheets

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1 Page
Provide Syntax descriptions for specifying Command Line Tools
16 Oct 22
2 Pages
Fundamental Cloud Concepts for AWS based on the course by David Tucker:
25 May 21, updated 1 Jun 21
3 Pages
A quick reference guide for genomic profiling using covSonar (
14 Feb 23, updated 15 Feb 23
1 Page
Common keybindings I use in vscode. The {{fa-rocket}} symbol means user defined keybindings.
24 Jun 21
1 Page
6 Pages
A complete guide to Linux command Line and it can be used as a reference for both beginners and advanced level users
19 Oct 21, updated 9 Oct 23
4 Pages
Die wichtigsten Windows 10 Shortcuts die für das ganze System gültig sind
15 Jan 24
2 Pages
elle a dit Documents autorisés xD
27 Oct 21, updated 31 Oct 21
1 Page
Citation commands for Biblatex
15 Nov 21
1 Page
Vim 常用快捷键、常用方法、常用小技巧整理。
16 Feb 22, updated 4 Mar 22
1 Page
Búsquedas de Google avanzadas para la vida cotidiana.
14 Dec 21, updated 21 Dec 21
1 Page
Database functions for the Wordpress command line interface
21 Dec 21
1 Page
Keyboard shortcuts for amethyst windows
28 Dec 21
2 Pages
Fortigate Firewalls Cheatsheet
11 Jan 22, updated 12 Jan 22
1 Page
CloudSuite Industrial 10 Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
14 Jan 22
2 Pages
Docker CLI Commands & Dockerfile Build structure
23 Jan 22, updated 28 Jan 22
1 Page
CheatSheet sobre las funciones que se usan para dibujar figuras basicas y geometricas en Processing.
3 Feb 22
1 Page
CheatSheet que muestra la sintaxis Processing.
3 Feb 22, updated 23 Feb 22
1 Page
CheatSheet donde se muestra como dibujar 3D en Processing
19 Mar 22
2 Pages
DevOps: Jenkins Cheat Sheet
3 Mar 22
1 Page
2 Pages
2 Pages
Sitecore CLI commands for developers daily use.
8 Mar 22
3 Pages
Helix Editor Keyboard Shortcuts
18 Mar 22