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About psychedup

  • Cheatographer since 21 February, 2023.


  • 8 Cheat Sheets
  • 44 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 19,422 Cheat Sheet Views

Cheat Sheets By psychedup

8 Pages
Types of health, traditional versus modern medicine, ayurveda, siddha, yoga, homeopathy, naturopathy, unani, mind body relationship, healing, well-being, practitioners
17 Dec 23
3 Pages
Definition, history, proponents, scope, effective teaching, principles of development, exceptional children, strategies to reduce bullying
17 Oct 23, updated 17 Dec 23
5 Pages
Definition, disaster management cycle, psychological phases, psychological effects of disaster, general & ethical prinicples, classification of disasters, factors effecting vulnerability
17 Oct 23, updated 17 Dec 23
3 Pages
Vulnerable groups, UN provisions, Indian const. provisions, CRI, LGBTQ+, crimial justice system in HR.
1 Aug 23
7 Pages
Health belief model, chronic illness, health compromising behavior, CHD, quality of life.
1 Aug 23
3 Pages
Definitions, communication, core life skills, report, interview, presentation, emotions, human values and its role in workplace.
1 Aug 23
3 Pages
Definition, characteristics, research methods, ERP, pro-environmental behaviors, theories, climate change, role of psychologist, digital age.
31 Jul 23
12 Pages
Cross-cultural research, Self Concept, Self esteem, and Self-presentation, Attitude Formation, Social Comparison, Personal and Social identity, Social Cognition-Schemas and Heuristics, Attribution Formation, Bystander Effect, Social Influence- Conformity, Compliance and Obedience, Aggression Causes, Social loafing and social facilitation
31 Jul 23, updated 1 Aug 23