Health compromising behavior
Substance abuse and addiction |
Compulsive engagement in a harmful activity/substance use despite it's negative consequences - occurs when a person has become physically/psychologically dependent on a substance due to it's repeated use over time Activates the mesolimbic pathway, a reward pathway that activates motivated behavior due to excessive release of dopamine A gene transcription factor, FOSB (a protein coding gene) - common factor involved in addiction
Main cause of addiction is due to dependence Stages - (1) acquired tissue tolerance; (2) adaptive cell metabolism; (3) withdrawal and craving; and (4) loss of control. Factors leading to dependence: reinforcement (+ve: buss/rush of indulging in it, -ve: supresses -ve emotions) avoiding withdrawal symptoms (intense anxiety & hallucinations, tremors, blood alcohol level drop) physical dependence - body has adjusted to the substance and incorporates the use of that substance into the normal functioning of the body’s tissues, involves tolerance tolerance level increases - leading to more consumption for same effects Craving - strong desire to engage in a behavior/consume a substance, due to physical dependence or envi triggers
Types of addiction: Substance addictions (opiod, nicotine, marijuana, alcohol) - substance use disorders four stages of substance use: (1) initiation; (2) maintenance; (3) cessation; and (4) relapse Non-substance/Behavioural addictions (gambling, sexual, internet, shopping) - impulse control disorders
Symptoms of addiction: 1. Behavioral - changes in appetite, sleep, attitude frequent, sudden mood swings - angry & irritable (increased lash outs and conflicts), anxious & paranoid w/o cause reduced performance, lack of motivation periodic hyperactivity hiding/in denial of certain behavior 2. Physical - abnormal pupil size & bloodshot eyes impaired motor coordination and periodic tremors poor physical appearence and body odour slurred speech sudden change in weight 3. Social - legal issues personal relationship issues sudden change in friend groups, hobbies, financial status
Risk factors of addiction: Genetic predisposition - heredity, altered brain neurons due to envi Environment - life experience, peer pressure Age - teens have increased susceptibility (more impulsive desicion making), more resistant to treatment and more liable to relapse Comorbitity - ppl with comorbid mental disorders (ADHD,PTSD, depression, anxiety etc) Drug choice - some are more physically addictive
Screening and assessment: Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment, Alcohol-Smoking & Substance Involvement Test (ASSIST), Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10) Treatment and management: CBT, medication, rehabilitation
Alcoholism |
Can lead to dependence and addiction Problem drinking and alcoholism - substance dependence disorders Alcoholic- someone who is physically addicted to alcohol, symptoms - high tolerance, more craving, withdrawal Problem drinking- may not have symptoms like alcoholics, more social, psychological, and medical problems resulting from alcohol
Alcohol consumption is linked to: positive effects - light and moderate drinkers had lower morbidity and mortality rates reduces coronary heart disease negative effects - high blood pressure, stroke, cirrhosis of the liver, some forms of cancer, brain atrophy and consequent deteriorating cognitive function facilitates risky behavior, impaired judgement and desicion making increase in financial (buying alcohol) and economic (accidents,fights etc) costs, legal issues (DUI, underage drinking, public intoxication) risk of overdose interferes with medication - decreases efficiency of meds and increases risk of side effects, can lead to intense outcomes (respiratory depression, internal bleeding, excessive sedation) social isolation and relationship problems can effects genes and fetal development (FASD - fetal alcohol spectrum disorders)
Treatment: around 50% - stop on their own 60% treated may relapse 1. clinical - aversion therapies (negative association with alcohol - drug antabuse) contingency contracting (contract with fam/therapist) cue exposure procedure (find envi triggers and coping strat) self management (self monitoring) 2. rehabilitation - behavioral therapies (cbt, motivational interviewing etc) group support, indiv counselling detox programmes
Smoking |
30 per cent of the adult population smoking initiated in childhood has an increased chance of lung cancer Causes: for fun and pleasure, to calm nerves, for confidence, due to parental smoking (children 2x likely), peer pressure, hobby - low income women for themselves
smoking symptoms: positive effects- relaxation and stress relief, confidence negative effects- increased risk of cancer respiratory and cardiovascular diseases reduced lung function reduced fertility, premature aging
Treatment strategies: Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) - using nicotine patches, gum etc Behavioral support - support groups, counseling sessions, cbt Medications- to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms (bupropion)
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