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Programming Cheat Sheets

2705 Programming Cheat Sheets

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1 Page
Handy core shortcuts for IDEA for beginners to start their journey getting more skilled at IDEA.
20 Jun 23
2 Pages
Grundlagen der Webprogrammierung mit HTML, CSS und Javascript
3 Jul 23
3 Pages
Git, gerrit, depot-tools, for chromies
28 Jun 23, updated 29 Jun 23
1 Page
DataBase and DBMS. Main Tips
28 Jun 23, updated 29 Jun 23
1 Page
Cheat Sheet to the topic 'Keys. Relations. Relationships. SQL Data Types'
3 Jul 23
47 Pages
składania SQL z zapytaniami
4 Jul 23, updated 9 Jul 23
1 Page
In the world of Jupyter Notebook, being fluent in its command language is key. Here's a rundown of the most commonly used commands and their descriptions:
20 Sep 23
2 Pages
CoreJS Interview#1 Basics - Data types - Number methods - String methods - String templates - ternary operator - switch case - examples, where it can be useful
9 Jul 23
2 Pages
This cheat sheet contains commands for using git
12 Jul 23, updated 13 Jul 23
1 Page
This is a postgresql cheat sheet.
13 Jul 23
3 Pages
Basic commands and explanation for HTML parsing with the Java library Jsoup using CSS or Jquery-like Selectors
27 Jul 23
6 Pages
This Cheat Sheet only contains the basic PureBasic keywords. It does not contain any library calls. It is meant as a guide to get you writing PB code quickly. Refer to the full documentation for information on how to use the libraries. Get your own free copy at
20 Jul 23
2 Pages
1 Page
Conventional Commits v1 - Cheat Sheet
8 Aug 23
2 Pages
Cheatsheet Including Linux and Git Commands
27 Jul 23
2 Pages
2 Pages
Basic terms of object-oriented programming, table with comparison Abstract class and Interface in Java, SOLID principles, and Composition, Aggregation, Association.
4 Aug 23, updated 8 Aug 23
1 Page
1 Page
cheat sheets MySql cheat sheets MySql
10 Aug 23
4 Pages
Sitecore CM Cloud CLI Commands List. To contribute, please reach out.
30 Aug 23, updated 19 Mar 24
5 Pages
Sitecore XM Cloud CLI Cheat Sheet To contribute, please reach out.
1 Sep 23, updated 19 Mar 24
2 Pages
Variables & Opérations:
17 Sep 23, updated 25 Sep 23
1 Page
lists : a collection of items that are ordered and mutable
17 Sep 23, updated 30 Sep 23
1 Page
Affichage : print & f-string
25 Sep 23
2 Pages
text reading & editing
24 Sep 23, updated 25 Sep 23