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This cheat sheet will brush up all basics of docker.

Docker Instal­lation

apt update
Updates the package sources with the latest versions
apt install -y
Install docker in Ubutu Linux distri­bution
systemctl start docker
Stop docker services
systemctl stop docker
Stop docker services
systemctl restart docker
Stop and start docker services
systemctl status docker
Check the status of docker services

Container Operations

docker container create --name web -it alpine sh
Create a named container
docker container start web
Start a container
docker container stop web
Stop a container
docker container restart web
stop and start a container
docker container run -it --name myweb alpine sh
create and start a named container
Ctrl + p, Ctrl + q
Detach from the container
docker container attach myweb
Attach to a running container
docker container logs myweb
See the logs of the container
docker container rename myweb myalpine
Change the name of a container
docker container run -h alpine -it --rm alpine sh
Set the hostnameof a container
docker container run -it -w /var --rm alpine sh
Set the current working directory
docker container run -it --env "­WEB­_HO­ST=­172.16­8.1.1" --rm alpine sh
Set the enviro­nment variables
docker container exec myalpine [command]
Create any process inside an already running container

Docker Management

docker version
prints the current version number
docker info
displays system wide inform­ation
docker login
Log in to a DockerHub registry
docker logout
Logout from DockerHub registry
docker inspect [object]
Display detailed inform­ation on one or more objects.
docker --help
list the help on any command
docker image [option]
To work with images
docker container [option]
To work with containers
docker volume [option]
To work with volumes
docker network [option]
To work with network


docker image ls
List of images
docker image ls --digests
List of image digests
docker container ls
List of running containers
docker container ls -a
List of all containers
docker container ls -q
Get only the containers IDs of containers
docker volume ls
List of volumes
docker network ls
List of networks

Docker Images

docker search nginx
List the available images on DockerHub
docker image pull nginx
Pull an image from DockerHub
docker image pull myregi­str­y.c­om:­808­0/a­lpi­ne:­latest
Pull an image from a private registry
vim Dokerfile
FROM alpine
RUN date > /data
Dockerfile to build an image
docker image build -t php/al­pin­e:d­ock­erfile .
Create an image from a Dockerfile
docker container run -it --name myimage alpine sh
/ # date > /data
/ # cat /data
Run a container and modify it.
docker container diff myimage
Check the difference with the base image
docker container commit myimage php/al­pin­e:test
Save a running container as an image.
docker container run -it php/al­pin­e:test sh
cat /data
Run the created image as a container
docker image push php/al­pin­e:test
Push the image to DockerHub registry

Docker Volumes

docker container run -itv /data --name myvol alpine sh
Create a directory on the host system and mount it under /data of the container
docker volume create --name myvolume
Create a named volume
docker container run -itv myvolu­me:­/data --name cmyvol alpine sh
Mount a named volume
docker system df
Get the inform­ation about disk storage

Docker Networking

docker container run -d --name myweb -p 8080:80 nginx
Access the container from the external world
docker container run -d --name myweb1 -P nginx:­alpine
Expose a container port to a random port of the host system
docker container run -it --netw­ork­=none alpine sh
To Request Docker daemon not to create an interface for the container
docker container run -it --netw­ork­=host alpine sh
share the network namespace of the host system with the container
docker container run -it --netw­ork­=co­nta­ine­r:m­yweb1 alpine sh
Share the network namespace of an existing container
docker network create mynetwork
Create a user defined network
docker container run -d --name nginxnet --netw­ork­=my­network nginx:­alpine
Create a container and attach it to the network
docker network connect mynetwork web
Attach a running container to a network
docker network disconnect mynetwork web
Disconnect from a specific network

Docker Resource Allocation

docker container run -it --ulimit nproc=10 --rm alpine sh
Set the maximum number of processes the container can create
docker container run -d --name cpulimit --cpus­et-­cpu­s="0­" alpine top
Container can run only on CPU “0”.
docker container run -d --name memlimit --memory "­200­m" alpine top
Limit the maximum amount of memory usage

Docker Compose

curl -L "­htt­ps:­//g­ith­ub.c­om­/do­cke­r/c­omp­ose­/re­lea­ses­/do­wnl­oad­/1.2­7.4­/d­ock­er-­com­pos­e-$­(uname -s)-$(­uname -m)" -o /usr/l­oca­l/b­in/­doc­ker­-co­mpose
Install a docker compose
chmod +x /usr/l­oca­l/b­in/­doc­ker­-co­mpose
Set the executable
mkdir wordpress
cd wordpress/
vim docker­-co­mpo­se.yaml
Create a folder and yaml file
docker­-co­mpose up
Start the applic­ation in the foreground
docker­-co­mpose up -d
Start the applic­ation in the background
docker­-co­mpose ps
List containers created by the applic­ation
docker­-co­mpose stop
Stop all the containers for the given applic­ation

Clean Up

docker image rm nginx:­alpine
Remove an image locally
docker image prune
Clean an unused­/da­ngling image
docker container rm -f web
Delete a running container
docker container rm myweb
Delete a stopped container
docker container prune
Remove all stopped containers
docker network rm mynetwork
Remove a specific network
docker network prune
Remove all networks which are not referenced by any containers
docker volume rm myvolume
Remove a specific volume
docker volume prune
Remove all unused volume
docker­-co­mpose rm
Remove the containers for the given applic­ation
docker­-co­mpose down -v
Delete the applic­ation completely with its contai­ners, networks, volumes and images
docker system prune
Remove unused images, stopped contai­ners, and unused networks


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