This cheat sheet will brush up all basics of docker.
Docker Installation
apt update |
Updates the package sources with the latest versions |
apt install -y |
Install docker in Ubutu Linux distribution |
systemctl start docker |
Stop docker services |
systemctl stop docker |
Stop docker services |
systemctl restart docker |
Stop and start docker services |
systemctl status docker |
Check the status of docker services |
Container Operations
docker container create --name web -it alpine sh |
Create a named container |
docker container start web |
Start a container |
docker container stop web |
Stop a container |
docker container restart web |
stop and start a container |
docker container run -it --name myweb alpine sh |
create and start a named container |
Ctrl + p, Ctrl + q |
Detach from the container |
docker container attach myweb |
Attach to a running container |
docker container logs myweb |
See the logs of the container |
docker container rename myweb myalpine |
Change the name of a container |
docker container run -h alpine -it --rm alpine sh |
Set the hostnameof a container |
docker container run -it -w /var --rm alpine sh |
Set the current working directory |
docker container run -it --env "WEB_HOST=" --rm alpine sh |
Set the environment variables |
docker container exec myalpine [command] |
Create any process inside an already running container |
Docker Management
docker version |
prints the current version number |
docker info |
displays system wide information |
docker login |
Log in to a DockerHub registry |
docker logout |
Logout from DockerHub registry |
docker inspect [object] |
Display detailed information on one or more objects. |
docker --help |
list the help on any command |
docker image [option] |
To work with images |
docker container [option] |
To work with containers |
docker volume [option] |
To work with volumes |
docker network [option] |
To work with network |
docker image ls |
List of images |
docker image ls --digests |
List of image digests |
docker container ls |
List of running containers |
docker container ls -a |
List of all containers |
docker container ls -q |
Get only the containers IDs of containers |
docker volume ls |
List of volumes |
docker network ls |
List of networks |
Docker Images
docker search nginx |
List the available images on DockerHub |
docker image pull nginx |
Pull an image from DockerHub |
docker image pull |
Pull an image from a private registry |
vim Dokerfile FROM alpine RUN date > /data |
Dockerfile to build an image |
docker image build -t php/alpine:dockerfile . |
Create an image from a Dockerfile |
docker container run -it --name myimage alpine sh / # date > /data / # cat /data |
Run a container and modify it. |
docker container diff myimage |
Check the difference with the base image |
docker container commit myimage php/alpine:test |
Save a running container as an image. |
docker container run -it php/alpine:test sh cat /data |
Run the created image as a container |
docker image push php/alpine:test |
Push the image to DockerHub registry |
Docker Volumes
docker container run -itv /data --name myvol alpine sh |
Create a directory on the host system and mount it under /data of the container |
docker volume create --name myvolume |
Create a named volume |
docker container run -itv myvolume:/data --name cmyvol alpine sh |
Mount a named volume |
docker system df |
Get the information about disk storage |
Docker Networking
docker container run -d --name myweb -p 8080:80 nginx |
Access the container from the external world |
docker container run -d --name myweb1 -P nginx:alpine |
Expose a container port to a random port of the host system |
docker container run -it --network=none alpine sh |
To Request Docker daemon not to create an interface for the container |
docker container run -it --network=host alpine sh |
share the network namespace of the host system with the container |
docker container run -it --network=container:myweb1 alpine sh |
Share the network namespace of an existing container |
docker network create mynetwork |
Create a user defined network |
docker container run -d --name nginxnet --network=mynetwork nginx:alpine |
Create a container and attach it to the network |
docker network connect mynetwork web |
Attach a running container to a network |
docker network disconnect mynetwork web |
Disconnect from a specific network |
Docker Resource Allocation
docker container run -it --ulimit nproc=10 --rm alpine sh |
Set the maximum number of processes the container can create |
docker container run -d --name cpulimit --cpuset-cpus="0" alpine top |
Container can run only on CPU “0”. |
docker container run -d --name memlimit --memory "200m" alpine top |
Limit the maximum amount of memory usage |
Docker Compose
curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose |
Install a docker compose |
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose |
Set the executable |
mkdir wordpress cd wordpress/ vim docker-compose.yaml |
Create a folder and yaml file |
docker-compose up |
Start the application in the foreground |
docker-compose up -d |
Start the application in the background |
docker-compose ps |
List containers created by the application |
docker-compose stop |
Stop all the containers for the given application |
Clean Up
docker image rm nginx:alpine |
Remove an image locally |
docker image prune |
Clean an unused/dangling image |
docker container rm -f web |
Delete a running container |
docker container rm myweb |
Delete a stopped container |
docker container prune |
Remove all stopped containers |
docker network rm mynetwork |
Remove a specific network |
docker network prune |
Remove all networks which are not referenced by any containers |
docker volume rm myvolume |
Remove a specific volume |
docker volume prune |
Remove all unused volume |
docker-compose rm |
Remove the containers for the given application |
docker-compose down -v |
Delete the application completely with its containers, networks, volumes and images |
docker system prune |
Remove unused images, stopped containers, and unused networks |
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