Arrange - Act - Assert
Tip: If any of these parts are greatly bigger than the others, look for refactoring your tests.
Test Class Organization
class SubjectTests {
int callCount = 0;
private Subject MakeSubject() =>
new Subject();
public void Test1() { }
public void Test2() { }
public void Test3() { }
This is just a convention. Don't leave help methods and field scattered all around the test methods.
Solitary vs Sociable
Solitary Type of test that tests a unit without the involvement of other units. Mocks all dependencies of the subject under test. |
Sociable Type of test that uses multiple units to verify a given behavior. Mock only hard to manage dependencies. (e.g. external resources) |
source: Working Effectively with Unit Tests by Jay Fields
We have control over all it's parts. |
Runs in any order. |
Doesn't depend on another test. |
Doesn't produce side-effects. |
Asserts observable behavior. |
Tip: if any of these is false then it's not a unit-test.
Test - What's your name?
public void Creating_a_user_stores_it_in_the_database() { ... }
public void Creating_a_user_without_name_throws_exception() { ... }
public void CreateUser_StoresInDatabase() { ... }
public void CreateUser_WithoutName_ThrowsException() { ... }
public void Given_user_when_creating_then_its_stored_in_database() { ... }
public void Given_user_when_has_no_name_then_throws_exception() { ... }
The name of the test should have 3 parts:
- The behavior under test;
- The constraints;
- The expected behavior.
Actions on Loops
public void Test1() {
for(var x in listOfInt) {
Assert.That(GetValue(x), Is.True));
Tip: Multiple asserts and action taken within a loop on the same test makes us ignore some cases in case of a failure.
Avoid some Expectations
// Thats how it's done mock.Verify(...)
// If possible use specific value, is int.MaxValue a valid expectation? Assert.That(x, Is.GreaterThan(10))
// Might be null var result = GetObject();
Assert.That(result.Property, Is.True))
// Might throw exception somewhere other than action [ExpectException()]
// Look for content not types Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(SomeDataModel));
Don't ignore the signs!
Sign |
Outcome |
A big arrange section: large dto, many parameters or many mocks. |
Subject under test might be doing to much. |
Tests to data model object (dto). |
Reveals missing tests. DTOs will get their coverage from usage. |
Tests to Exceptions. |
Reveals missing tests. Exceptions will be tested by their usage. |
Big test file |
Can indicate duplication or the subject under test is doing to much. |
Json, xml, etc |
Formatted strings of any kind reveal coupling. Except tests to formatters. |
Big file : Any file greater than 500 lines
Big section : More than 10 lines.
Many parameters : More than 3.
Many Mocks : More than 3.
Large dto: More than 10 properties.
Parameterized (NUnit)
public void Test1([Values(1, 2, 3)] int value) { }
Parameterized (xUnit)
public void Test1(int value) { }
Parameterized (MS Tests v2)
public void Test1(int value) { }
Isolate - Shared data
static int value = 0;
public void Test1() {
value = 10;
public void Test2() {
Static mutable state will eventually kill one or more tests.
Isolation - Thread safe tests
static object lockObject = new object();
public void Test1() {
lock(lockObject) {
public void Test2() {
lock(lockObject) {
Avoid this! Dealing with thread safety in tests adds another layer of complexity.
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