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Stub - Just a replac­ement

// Create a stub
var mock = new Mock<IMyDependency>();

// Get the Stub
var myDep = mock.Object;

Assert.That(myDep .GetValue(), Is.EqualTo(0));
By default: Methods with returning types return default values. (e.g.
int GetValue()
returns 0;

Spy - What happened?

// Create a spy
var mock = new Mock<IMyDependency>();

// Spy on executions
mock.Verify(myDep => myDep.GetValue());
Verify can be called with optional argument that asserts how many times the method as called: AtLeas­tOnce, AtLeast, AtMost, AtMost­Once, Betwee­nEx­clu­sive, Betwee­nIn­clu­sive, Exactly, Once, Never

Tip: Always strive to use concrete expect­ations. Avoid AtMost, AtLeast and Between.

Spy via Callbacks

// Create a spy
var mock = new Mock<IMyDependency>();

string usedArg;
    // Setup to capture any call to done to DoSomething method.
    .Setup(myDep => myDep.DoSomething(It.IsAny<String>())
    // Callback function is called when DoSomething was called.
    .Callback<String>(arg => usedArg = arg);
// Executing with "test" argument mock.Object.DoSomething("test");
Assert.That(usedArg, Is.EqualTo("test"));

Mock - Do what I say!

// Create a mock
var mock = new Mock<IMyDependency>();
mock     // What behavior is going to be mocked     .Setup(myDep => myDep.GetValue())     // What's going to be returned by GetValue()     .Returns(1);
// Using the object var myDep = mock.Object;
Assert.That(myDep .GetValue(), Is.EqualTo(1));

Mock - Setup - Matching Arguments

Expected Argument
Setup(e => e.Get(1))
Setup(e => e.Get(­It.I­sA­ny<­int­>())
> 10
Setup(e => e.Get(­It.I­s<­int­>(i => i > 10))
Range [0..10]
Setup(e => e.Get(­It.I­sI­nRa­nge­<in­t>(0, 10, Range.I­nc­lus­ive))
An instance of a mock can have more than 1 setup for a given method provided we setup the method with different arguments.

Tip: Avoid using non specific values on capture, except when it's possible to validate what was provided.

Mock - Setup - Returns

access argument
Setup(...).R­etu­rns(arg => arg + 10)
Throw exception
Throw exception with message
Setup(...).T­hro­ws(new Except­ion­("My Messag­e"))
Lazy access
Setup(...).R­etu­rns(() => value)


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