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354 Programming Cheat Sheets

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354 Cheat Sheets tagged with Programming

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4 Pages
Part 2 of the Java Mastery cheatsheet series. Please read "Java Mastery - Fundamentals" for a better understanding of the content here.
19 Jul 23
6 Pages
Fundamentals required to master Java programming
11 Feb 21
2 Pages
Quick Reference for useful and basic PHP
10 Nov 20, updated 12 Nov 20
2 Pages
ARM instructions cheatsheet
10 Mar 21
3 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
To help with coding in pseudo
21 Jan 22, updated 27 Jan 22
2 Pages
Basic Data Structures and Methods in Python
4 Jun 23
1 Page
A quick reference sheet to java's beginner instructions
21 Sep 22
1 Page
Scilab basic cheat sheet.
10 Nov 22, updated 10 Mar 24
1 Page
1 Page
A cheat sheet about the base of the programming language JS
26 Jan 23
2 Pages
Para iniciar en python es necesario conocer un poco de su historia y sus diversas aplicaciones en el área de la programación
12 Feb 23
1 Page
this is a trial cheat sheet.
12 Mar 23
2 Pages
Reference to Lua string matching patterns
5 Nov 23
1 Page
1 Page
While many guides on the internet attempt to teach HTML using a lot of mind-boggling theory, this tutorial will instead focus on giving you the practical skills to build your first site. By the end of this tutorial, you will have the know-how to create a basic website and we hope that this will inspire you to delve further into the world of HTML using our follow-on guides.
13 Aug 20
4 Pages
My personal cheatsheet, for many things. Maybe one day it will be "official". For now the scope is: Python, Javascript, Shell, Ubuntu Multipass, and various penetration testing tools.
17 Mar 22
2 Pages
A cheat sheet about R programming language
25 Jan 23
3 Pages
A description of the most common terminologies within domain-driven design.
21 Sep 20
100 Pages
Don't know how to delete
17 Dec 20
100 Pages
Deleted Description!
10 Mar 21
1 Page
Building great software is more than just writing code. Here are a collection of tools and best practices specifically drawn from my experience developing ruby applications for the last 15 years.
10 Jun 21
1 Page
Links and resources that I access on a regular basis
24 Apr 20