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About Bayan.A

  • Cheatographer since 20 May, 2020.


  • 6 Cheat Sheets
  • 145 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 39,410 Cheat Sheet Views

Cheat Sheets By Bayan.A

3 Pages
This cheatsheet will provide the essentials for any CentOS Systems Administrator
6 Aug 24
32 Pages
Compilation of CompTIA ITF key terms for revision
19 Jul 23
4 Pages
Part 2 of the Java Mastery cheatsheet series. Please read "Java Mastery - Fundamentals" for a better understanding of the content here.
19 Jul 23
5 Pages
First of a series of Cheat Sheets on Computer Networks. This cheat sheet breaks down the Physical Layer aspect of a network, the various forms of transmission, the different forms of modulation, and more.
19 Jul 23
95 Pages
This cheatsheet is organised according to the exam objectives/map from the CompTIA website
15 Dec 22
6 Pages
Fundamentals required to master Java programming
11 Feb 21