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543 Linux Cheat Sheets

Linux (or GNU/Linux, to give it its full name) is one of the most widely used operating systems in the World. Yet to gain a large share of desktop usage, it does power the overwhelming majority of web servers. Our Linux cheat sheets provide help for everything from command line tasks to keyboard shortcuts.

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543 Cheat Sheets tagged with Linux

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2 Pages
Cheatsheet con comandos de Linux recopilados de internet
26 Jan 23
2 Pages
The pop os has many beneficial features for developers, engineers, scientists, tinkers, and laypeople alike. These shortcuts are intended for a sticker I'm making for myself and my wife who is new to the field. Enjoy or send me your feedback ^)^
11 Feb 23
3 Pages
Listado de comandos principales de terminal Linux.
27 Feb 23, updated 16 Mar 23
1 Page
bspwm keybinding default endeavouros
18 Apr 23
2 Pages
Linux Package Management
21 Apr 23
1 Page
Custom Bismuth Tiling Shortcuts. (Not a default ones!)
28 May 23
3 Pages
Cheet Sheet detailing the menu options and important config options of the Social Engineering Toolkit
6 May 23
1 Page
This cheat sheet serves as a handy reference for both Linux system administration tasks and software development using Git, Lua, and Love2D. It's a practical tool for users who want quick access to these commonly used commands in their daily workflow.
12 Sep 23
2 Pages
This cheatcheet refers to the awesome video series by jay at Learn Linux TV and only works if you used the config file from his blogpost (see below). PDF Export on this sheet is not working. Feel free to comment if something crucial is missing.
7 Oct 23, updated 8 Oct 23
8 Pages
Little Cheatsheet to administer Ceph last modified: 23.10.2023
23 Oct 23
1 Page
2 Pages
1 Page
Keyboard shortcuts for Calcurse. calcurse is a calendar and scheduling application for the command line.
20 Jan 24
1 Page
Scripts used with fzf for automation in linux command line
30 Mar 24, updated 31 Mar 24
1 Page
linux command line automation scripts
30 Mar 24
2 Pages
Some basic commands used in Linux for white hat/ethical hacking purposes, as well as just some good general knowledge in linux with networking.
17 May 24
linux, networking, ethical, kali, hacking and 5 more ...
1 Page
27 Oct 14, updated 12 May 16
16 Pages
Ubuntu server pxl
16 Jan 15, updated 8 May 16
2 Pages
Quick reference
20 Jan 15, updated 12 May 16
1 Page
20 Jun 15, updated 13 May 16
2 Pages
A mod_rewrite Cheat Sheet - a quick reference guide for mod_rewrite, with rewrite flags, regular expression syntax and sample rules.
19 Oct 11, updated 25 Feb 20
2 Pages
VI Editor shortcuts and modes.
24 Feb 12, updated 25 Feb 20
1 Page
NERD tree (4.2.0) quickhelp
27 May 13, updated 12 May 16
1 Page
screen commands survival guide. Sorted by usefulness.
11 Dec 11, updated 13 May 16