Scripts used with fzf for automation in linux command line
Change Directory
Search for a file and edit in $EDITOR |
Preview file and copy the path to clipboard |
Find file and cd there |
Find Dir and cd there |
Display the directory stack with FZF |
Package Manager
Install package |
Remove package |
List files
List projects |
List templates for work |
List cheatsheets and cat |
List cheatsheets and edit |
List org notes and cat |
List org notes and edit |
List git repositories |
List projects |
List connected external devices |
List pdfs |
List tracking spreadsheets |
List clipboard history |
Command Line
Remove files recursively |
Interactive mv wrapper |
Man without options will use fzf to select a page |
For instance: fzf-eval ls
pipe output of that command into fzf |
Repeat history, assumes zsh |
Search env variables |
Find in File using ripgrep and open in editor |
Find in file using ripgrep-all |
Image preview |
Compress one or multiple folder or files |
extract <archive_file>
Extract any archive automatically |
mkextract <archive_file>
Create a folder with the name of the archive and extract the archive in |
Git log browser with FZF |
Git commit history browser |
Show git staging area |
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