my i3wm keybindings cheat sheet
⊞+h |
Change focus left |
⊞+j |
Change focus down |
⊞+k |
Change focus up |
⊞+l |
Change focus right |
⊞+Shift+h |
Move focused window left |
⊞+Shift+j |
Move focused window down |
⊞+Shift+k |
Move focused window up |
⊞+Shift+l |
Move focused window right |
⊞+Shift+q |
Kill focused window |
Workspaces binds
⊞+Ctrl+< |
Move current workspace to next screen |
⊞+(number) |
Switch to workspace (number) |
⊞+Shift+(number) |
Move focused window to workspace (number) |
Default mode execs
⊞+Enter |
Open terminal |
⊞+d |
Open rofi (or d_menu) |
⊞+b |
Open browser (firefox) |
⊞+n |
Open terminal on specific path |
PlayerCtl (menu mode)
⊞+m |
Enters menu mode |
i |
Volume +5% |
u |
Volume -5% |
k |
Play-pause |
l |
Next |
j |
Previous |
Esc |
back to default mode |
Enter |
back to default mode |
⊞+m |
Enters menu mode |
a |
Autorandr rofi menu (to select randr defined configs) |
b |
Bluetooth rofi menu |
p |
Power rofi menu |
w |
Wifi rofi menu |
r |
Randr rofi menu (to configure output) |
s |
Screenshot rofi menu |
o |
Audio output rofi menu |
Esc |
back to default mode |
Enter |
back to default mode |
⊞+s |
Change container layout to stacked |
⊞+t |
Change container layout to tabbed |
⊞+e |
Change container layout to split (normal) |
⊞+f |
Enter fullscreen for the focused container |
⊞+v |
Split next container vertically |
⊞+Shift+v |
Split next container horizontaly |
Resize mode
⊞+r |
Enters resize mode |
h (or left) |
Shrink window's width |
j (or down) |
Grow the window's height |
k (or up) |
Shrink window's height |
l (or right) |
Grow the window's width |
Esc |
back to default mode |
Enter |
back to default mode |
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