98 Cheat Sheets tagged with Alevel
Alvl P1: Particles (ch1/2) Cheat Sheet
aqqa A-level physics year 1 (yr12) particles and nuclides/fundamental particles : chapter 1/2
13 Feb 24
Black Panther Cheat Sheet
Black Panther for Media Studies A Level (WJEC Exam Board)
22 May 23, updated 23 May 23
Riptide - Media Studies A Level (WJEC) Cheat Sheet
A guide to Riptide's music video and lyrics, for Media Studies A Level (WJEC Exam board).
21 May 23
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Cheat Sheet
There's practically no guides regarding Assassin's Creed Valhalla for Media Studies (A Level, WJEC Exam board) so here's my compilation of notes.
Apart of Component 1, Section B.
Assassin's creed has come up for Industry in the 2023 Summer exams.
21 May 23, updated 26 May 23
Media Studies A Level - Tide Cheat Sheet
This is a simplified version of the exam board's Tide (1950's) information for Media Studies A Level (WJEC Exam board).
20 May 23
The Bridge [Media Studies, A Level, WJEC] Cheat Sheet
The Bridge is an essential component 2 topic if you're studying Media Studies at A Level (under WJEC, maybe some other exam boards too).
This topic is only based on S3 E1.
2 Jun 23, updated 6 Jun 23
The Great Gatsby [English Lang+Lit A Level] Cheat Sheet
This is a cheatsheet on The Great Gatsby for English Literature and Language students (A Level). This is under the WJEC Exam board.
The Great Gatsby will be on the third paper of this subject, you'll have a choice to answer 1 of 2 questions.
8 Jun 23, updated 15 Jun 23
Alvl P2: capacitance (ch6) Cheat Sheet
aqa A-level physics Year 2 (yr13) capacitance: chapter 6
8 Feb 24
Alvl P1: electricity (ch9) Cheat Sheet
aqa A-level physics Year 1 (yr12) electricity : chapter 9
11 Feb 24
Vogue [Media Studies, A Level, WJEC] Cheat Sheet
1965's Vogue magazine with Sophia Loren on the cover is a set text for Paper 2 of Media Studies A Level under the WJEC Exam Board.
31 May 23, updated 6 Jun 23
English Lit/Lang Anthology [Three Miles] Cheat Sheet
This extract is from an American public radio programme and podcast. In this episode, presenter Chana Joffe-Walt interviews a woman who had been part of a group of students in a public school in the Bronx, New York, taken on a trip to visit Fieldston an elite private school three miles away.
This has not yet come up in an exam.
23 May 23
English Lit/Lang Anthology [Grad Speech] Cheat Sheet
A Level English Lit/Lang [OCR Exam Board]
Text: George Saunders' speech to graduates at Syracuse University.
George Saunders is a prize winning American writer celebrated for his short stories. He is a longstanding professor at Syracuse University and delivered the convocation speech for the class of 2013. The speech touches on some of the moments in his life and larger themes (in his life and work).
23 May 23
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