RxSwift supported operators
Creating Observables
asObservable |
convert various objects into Observables |
create |
create an Observable from scratch |
deferred |
create an Observable for each subscription |
from (array) |
convert an array into Observable |
of |
empty |
emit no items; terminates normally |
error |
emit no items; terminates with an error |
never |
emit no items; does not terminate |
interval |
emit a sequence of integers spaced by a given time interval |
just |
emit a particular item |
range |
emit a particular range of sequential integers |
repeatElement |
emit a particular item multiple times |
timer |
emit a particular item after a given delay |
Combining Observables
merge |
combine multiple Observables into one by merging their emissions |
startWith |
emit a specified sequence of items before others from source |
switchLatest |
convert an Observable that emits Observables into a single Observable that emits the items emitted by the most-recently-emitted of those Observables |
combineLatest |
combine the latest item emitted by each Observable |
zip |
combine the emissions of multiple Observables together |
Observable Utility Operators
delaySubscription |
shift the emissions forward in time by a particular amount |
do / doOnNext |
register an action to take upon Observable lifecycle events |
observeOn / observeSingleOn |
specify the Scheduler on which an observer will observe |
subscribe |
operate upon the emissions and notifications from an Observable |
subscribeOn |
specify the Scheduler on which an Observable will operate |
timeout |
abort when no item emitted during a specified span of time |
using |
create a disposable resource that has the same lifespan as the Observable |
debug |
Connectable Observable Operators
multicast |
publish |
convert an ordinary Observable into a connectable Observable |
refCount |
make a Connectable Observable behave like an ordinary Observable |
replay |
ensure that all observers see the same sequence of emitted items |
shareReplay |
Transforming Observables
buffer |
periodically gather items into bundles |
flatMap |
transform the items into Observables and merge them into a single one |
flatMapFirst |
flatMapLatest |
map |
transform the items by an Observablapplying a function to each item |
scan |
apply a function to each item sequentially, and emit each successive value |
window |
periodically subdivide items into Observables |
Filtering Observables
debounce / throttle |
filters out items rapidly followed by another item |
distinctUntilChanged |
suppress duplicate items |
elementAt |
emit only item n |
filter |
emit only those items that pass a predicate test |
sample |
emit the most recent items since the previous sampling |
skip |
suppress the first n items |
take |
emit only the first n items |
takeLast |
emit only the final n items |
single |
emit only the first item |
Conditional and Boolean Operators
amb |
emit all of the items from only the first to emit an item or notification |
skipWhile |
discard items until a specified condition becomes false |
skipUntil |
discard items until a second Observable emits an item |
takeWhile |
mirror items until a specified condition becomes false |
takeUntil |
discard any items after a second Observable emits an item or terminates |
Error Handling Operators
catch |
recover from error by continuing the sequence without error |
retry |
resubscribe to source when error |
retryWhen |
Mathematical and Aggregate Operators
concat |
emit the emissions from two or more Observables without interleaving them |
reduce / aggregate |
apply a function to each item sequentially, and emit the final value |
toArray |
convert an Observable into an array |
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