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Software Cheat Sheets

1287 Software Cheat Sheets

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1 Page
How to use the cmus media player for Linux .
19 Aug 22
1 Page
Dicas de como utilizar o tmux configurado por
26 Aug 22
4 Pages
Building Blocks of the world's biggest cloud provider
24 Sep 22, updated 28 Mar 23
1 Page
2 Pages
Power BI building blocks and how they work together.
15 Sep 22
3 Pages
Get an instant Ubuntu VM with a single command. Multipass can launch and run virtual machines and configure them with cloud-init like a public cloud.
17 Sep 22, updated 21 Sep 22
2 Pages
Meerkats *Suricata suricatta* are known for their sentinel behavior, patiently and alertly standing watch over their class. Sentries who stand guard gain trust through their experience and reputation, not through their age or social rank. Suricata is an open source intrusion detection and prevention engine.
20 Oct 22, updated 13 Jan 23
rules, signatures, json, action, jq and 4 more ...
8 Pages
Common commands used with Docker Desktop
22 Sep 22, updated 29 Sep 22
1 Page
Cheatsheet from
22 Sep 22, updated 1 Oct 22
5 Pages
2 Pages
The Ultimate Doom Emacs Cheat Sheet from
13 Oct 22
32 Pages
Compilation of CompTIA ITF key terms for revision
19 Jul 23
1 Page
Cheat Sheet for Blizzard Enigma M4 Console
13 Oct 22, updated 14 Oct 22
1 Page
A collection of usefull commands
22 Oct 22
1 Page
Keyboard Shortcuts for Esko Automation Engine Pilot.
24 Oct 22
2 Pages
1 Page
Scilab basic cheat sheet.
10 Nov 22, updated 10 Mar 24
95 Pages
This cheatsheet is organised according to the exam objectives/map from the CompTIA website
15 Dec 22
3 Pages
Linux Logical Volume Manager commands for managing storage on a Linux system.
1 Dec 22
1 Page
Pop!_OS Keyboard Shortcuts Updated 2022
5 Dec 22
1 Page
2 Pages
Шпаргалка по терминологии систем распознавания
21 Dec 22
5 Pages
Ideavim intellimacs plugin key bindings
22 Dec 22, updated 23 Dec 22