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(Fictional) JDWA Newsletter Writing Cheat Sheet by

Had to make a document intended for training employees in writing for a writing class.

Newsletter template

Introd­uction to newsle­tters

Newsle­tters can be used to share a wide variety of inform­ation, and are generally used to keep subscr­ibers up to date with inform­ation about projects, sales, news, and opport­unities associated with an organi­zation or company.
Our company used newsle­tters to inform our members about our projects and make them feel like they are part of our work.
For this reason, our standard newsletter includes a message from a board member, a member spotlight, news about our recent projects, local water quality and conser­vation news and inform­ation on how to get involved with our work, but this format may vary when necessary.
Our format includes a large header to that the reader unders­tands what they are reading right away and concludes with our contact inform­ation for anyone who finds themselves wanting to get more involved with us.
We don’t want to be pestered with emails asking how to unsubs­cri­be—­the­refore it is important to include a clearly marked unsubs­cribe button at the very end of the email.

Use a simple, stream­lined format

Our company uses ezhtml­des­ to format our newsle­tters. We give you access to the template we use for our newsle­tters as seen above. If you do not have access to this document, email Jamie at JStirn­er@­JDw­ate­
Sometimes we would like to include or exclude the elements shown here besides the header and contact inform­ation. Because our format uses the same text size for headings and body text, this should not be difficult to modify and is integrated into our base template.
Use relevant images along with your text. Not stock images! Include a photo of the board member who wrote the introd­uctory message. Include relevant photos from the news, photos of our projects and who worked on them, or other relevant photos.
Bold important inform­ation and subtitles within the establ­ished sections.

Keep it personal

Write as though you are writing to a single person. In lieu of a message from one of our board members or the president, you’re in charge of the introd­uctory statement! It will start looking look something like this: Hi, [First name goes here] [Your first name goes here], here. Then introduce our member to a few highlights of the content of the newsletter in 1 to 3 sentences.
Keep your tone conver­sat­ional and friendly, but remember to avoid slang our readers may not be familiar with.
Use contra­ctions and keep your writing loose.
You can also use Hemmingway Editor to see what reading level you are writing at and maximize your writing's readab­ility.
Make the subject line intere­sting and inform­ati­ve—Use key words that reference the most intere­sting things we have been working on.

Proofread, proofread, proofread!

Be sure and proofread your newsle­tters thorou­ghly. I recommend having a colleague look over them, but an online proofr­eader will work in a pinch.
Your newsle­tters will be reviewed by Jamie before they are sent out to our subscriber list.
Send it out to a small batch of our subscriber list first. This way, they can catch small errors before you send out the newsletter to everyone
Since you don’t have any training on this, we expect you to have questions so please reach out and seek out feedback! The feedback you get from Jamie on your newsle­tters is also very important, so please try to learn from the correc­tions you are required to make.


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