Symfony Homepage |
KnpBundles |
/app Contains configuration, cache, logs, ... Everything that is not the source code
/src Contains our bundles
/vendor Contains all libs we use in our project
/web Contains all "public" files, like images, CSS, Javascript, ... Also contains the "main controler", app.php
Bundle folders
/Controller Contains our controlers
/DependencyInjection Contains informations about our bundle
/Entity Contains our models
/Form Contains our forms
/Resources Contains config files, public files and view (Twig) files
/Tests Contains our Unit Test files
Install php -r "eval('?>'.file_get_contents(''));"
Update composer php composer.phar self-update
Update bundles php composer.phar update
Forms generation
add($child, $type, $option) Adds a form filed, where $child is the member, $type is the input type and $options the type's options
remove($name) Removes the field with the given name
get($name) Rturns a child by name
has($name) Returns whether a field with the given name exists
To be used on a FormBuilderInterface (typically, $builder from <Entity>Type::buildForm
Forms field types
text/textarea Standard input with type=text or textarea
email/url Standard type=text field with proper validation
integer/number/percent type=text field, with validation
money type=text field with currency symbol near the field
password type=password field
search type=search field
choice Multi-usage field. Can make select, radio or checkboxes
entity Creates a field with all entities from one class
country/language/locale/timezone |
date/datetime/time |
birthday Same as datetime, but with more recent years
checkbox/radio |
file |
collection/repeated |
hidden |
csrf |
generate:bundle Generates a bundle
cache:clear Clears application cache
doctrine:generate:entity Generates a new Doctrine entity
doctrine:generate:entities Generates an entity's methods with it's updated content
doctrine:schema:create Creates database's schema
doctrine:schema:update Update the database with its new schema. Use with --dump-sql and --force
doctrine:fixtures:load Loads fixtures into database. Use it with --append to append datas instead of replacing
doctrine:generate:form Generates a <Entity>Type form
HelloTheWorld Route name
pattern The pattern to match
defaults The bundle and controller to use
requirements List of required parameters and their format
pattern: /hello-world/{name}.{format}
defaults: { _controller: MyBundle:Blog:index, format: html }
name: \w
format: html|xml
Request parameters
$_GET['tag'] $request->query->get('tag')
$_POST['tag'] $request->request->get('tag')
$_COOKIE['tag'] $request->cookies->get('tag')
$_SERVER['tag'] $request->server->get('tag')
Route parameters $request->attributes->get('tag') or $tag
$request = $this->get('request');
{{ id }} Show variable id content
{{ id|upper }} Show variable id content in uppercase. Works with a lot of other filters
{% if condition %} {% elseif condition %} {% else %} {% endif %} if/elseif/else structure
{% render url('latest_articles', { 'max': 3 }) %} Renders another action
@ORM\Entity((repositoryClass="Me\Bundle\Entity\Repository") Declares a class as an ORM entity, with Me\Bundle\Entity\Repository being its repository
@ORM\Table(name="table_name") Changes a table name
@ORM\Column(type="string") Declares an attribute as being a table column
@ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="Me\Bundle\Entity\Column", cascade={"persist"}) Declares a One-To-One relation. cascade cascades some operations (such as persist or remove) to the relation
@ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Me\Bundle\Entity\Column") Declares a One-To-Many relation
@ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Me\Bundle\Entity\Column") Declares a Many-To-One relation
@ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Me\Bundle\Entity\Column") Declares a Many-To-Many relation
@ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks() Declares that the Entity has callbacks
Doctrine Column parameters
type Column type
name Column name
length Column length, only for string type
unique Defines the column as unique
nullable Allows the column to contain null
precision Number of total digits, for decimal type
scale Number of digits after point, for decimal type
Doctrine column types
string Every string up to 255 chars
integer Numbers up to 2.147.483.647
boolean Boolean values; true and false
decimal Decimal numbers
date/time/datetime |
text Strings with no chars limit
object/array Stores a PHP object/array with serialize/unserialize
float Number with floating-point
Doctrine Query Builder
$query->select('a') Set columns to get
$query->addSelect('a') Adds columns to get
$query->leftJoin('alias.column', 'column_alias') Joins an Entity to the request, just like a LEFT JOIN
$query->where('a.column = ?') Sets the WHERE conditions
$query->addWhere('a.column = ?') |
$query->orWhere('a.column = ?') |
$query->setParameter(1, $something) Sets a parameter. First argument can be the parameter position or name.
$query->setParameters(array('name' => $value,)) |
$query->groupBy('a.column') Sets the GROUP BY DQL value
$query->addGroupBy('a.column') |
$query->orderBy('a.column') Sets the ORDER BY DQL value
$query->addOrderBy('a.column') |
Note :
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('alias');
Doctrine Callbacks
PrePersist Executed just before a persist(). Therefore, the $id isn't available, but all changes made to the Entity will be persisted in database
PostPersist Executed avec a flush() which had a persist() on that Entity. $id is now available, but changes aren't saved
PreUpdate Executed just before a flush()
PostUpdate |
PreRemove Executed before a flush() with a remove() on that Entity
PostRemove Executed after a flush(). $id is not available anymore
PostLoad Executed after the Entity has been loaded or reloaded (refresh())
Doctrine Extensions
Tree This extension automates the tree handling process and adds some tree specific functions on repository
Translatable Gives you a very handy solution for translating records into diferent languages. Easy to setup, easier to use
Sluggable Urlizes your specified fields into single unique slug
Timestampable Updates date fields on create, update and even property change
Loggable Helps tracking changes and history of objects, also supports version managment
Sortable Makes any document or entity sortable
Softdeletable Allows to implicitly remove records
Uploadable Provides file upload handling in entity fields
Add the following to composer.json:
"stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle": "dev-master"
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