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About jorgejuan007

  • Cheatographer since 29 March, 2017.


  • 20 Cheat Sheets
  • 56 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 259,620 Cheat Sheet Views

Silver Badges

Useful Cheat Sheet
Cheat sheet viewed more than 10,000 times
      — Jupyter Notebook Editor , 4 years ago
      — Jupyter Notebook Atajos de Teclado , 4 years ago
Cheat sheet edited over 1 year after publication
      — Citas sobre la Estupidez Humana , 4 years ago
      — Laws of Human Stupidity , 4 years ago
      — Leyes de la Estupidez Humana , 4 years ago
      — Lista de los Reyes Godos de España , 5 years ago
      — Snooker , 5 years ago
      — Jupyter Notebook Editor , 6 years ago
10 cheat sheets published

Bronze Badges

Cheat Sheet Downloaded From Unusual Location
      — Rhetoric from Haiti, 3 weeks ago
      — Productivity Laws from Haiti, 3 weeks ago
      — 100 Ways To Motivate Others from Faroe Islands, 1 month ago
      — Lista de los Reyes Godos de España from Malawi, 5 months ago
      — Citas sobre la Estupidez Humana from Malawi, 5 months ago
      — Jupyter Notebook Editor from Seychelles, 3 years ago
      — Jupyter Notebook Atajos de Teclado from Aruba, 3 years ago
      — Laws of Human Stupidity from Togo, 3 years ago
      — Leyes de la Estupidez Humana from Cayman Islands, 5 years ago
      — Lista de los Reyes Godos de España from Cayman Islands, 5 years ago
      — Snooker from Monaco, 5 years ago
      — Nautical Alphabet from Papua New Guinea, 6 years ago
Cheat Sheet Published
      — De Gamestop a Gamestonk 101 , 2 years ago
      — from Gamestop to Gamestonk , 3 years ago
      — Jane Austen's Complete Novels , 3 years ago
      — Matrix Quotes , 6 years ago
      — Snooker , 7 years ago
      — Productivity Laws , 7 years ago
      — The Seven Wonders of Antiquity , 7 years ago
      — Fight Club, 5 Stars Movies , 7 years ago
      — Quotes About Stupidity , 7 years ago
      — Citas sobre la Estupidez Humana , 7 years ago
      — Leyes de la Estupidez Humana , 7 years ago
      — Alfabeto Naútico , 7 years ago
      — Nautical Alphabet , 7 years ago
      — Laws of Human Stupidity , 7 years ago
      — Rhetoric , 7 years ago
      — Lista de los Reyes Godos de España , 7 years ago
      — Jupyter Notebook Editor , 7 years ago
      — Jupyter Notebook Atajos de Teclado , 7 years ago
Good Cheat Sheet
Cheat sheet downloaded more than 500 times
      — Leyes de la Estupidez Humana , 4 years ago
      — Citas sobre la Estupidez Humana , 4 years ago
      — Nautical Alphabet , 4 years ago
      — Fight Club, 5 Stars Movies , 5 years ago
      — The Seven Wonders of Antiquity , 5 years ago
      — Rhetoric , 5 years ago
      — Snooker , 5 years ago
      — Jupyter Notebook Atajos de Teclado , 5 years ago
      — Laws of Human Stupidity , 5 years ago
      — Productivity Laws , 5 years ago
      — Quotes About Stupidity , 6 years ago
      — Jupyter Notebook Editor , 6 years ago
Nice Cheat Sheet
Cheat sheet viewed more than 1,000 times
      — Matrix Quotes , 4 years ago
      — Citas sobre la Estupidez Humana , 6 years ago
      — The Seven Wonders of Antiquity , 6 years ago
      — Lista de los Reyes Godos de España , 6 years ago
      — Leyes de la Estupidez Humana , 6 years ago
      — Alfabeto Naútico , 6 years ago
      — Quotes About Stupidity , 6 years ago
      — Fight Club, 5 Stars Movies , 6 years ago
      — Jupyter Notebook Atajos de Teclado , 6 years ago
      — Rhetoric , 6 years ago
      — Productivity Laws , 6 years ago
      — Jupyter Notebook Editor , 6 years ago
      — Nautical Alphabet , 6 years ago
      — Laws of Human Stupidity , 7 years ago
      — Snooker , 7 years ago
More than 2,500 downloads in total