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About gamejia90


  • 3 Cheat Sheets
  • 7 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 31,334 Cheat Sheet Views

Cheat Sheets By gamejia90

2 Pages
This is the full list of bash shortcuts, you can find the info in `bind -P` and `stty -a`
30 May 21, updated 10 Sep 21
3 Pages
the summary of vimtutor
3 Jul 20
2 Pages
This cheatcheat will help you to improve your skills in bash, There are 2 columns, the left one is the command in parent­hesis ex (C-j) = Ctrl + j and the right one will do a simple descri­ption. - The Notes Section could help to resolve some problems or include features into your Terminal. - Finally this is only the the basic commands, but if you want to know more. check the More Info Section. You could find advance shortcuts that can help to improve your skills
10 Apr 20, updated 30 May 21