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Nootropics - Smart Drugs Cheat Sheet by [deleted]

Smart drugs in a pill. Extracted all basic informations about Nootropics ("Smart Drugs").


Giurgea's Nootropic Criteria:
Enhances learning and memory. Enhances learned behaviors under conditions which are known to disrupt them (e.g. hypoxia (oxygen defici­ency)). Protects the brain from physical or chemical injury. Enhances the tonic cortic­al/­sub­cor­tical control mechanisms Exhibits few side effects and extremely low toxicity, while lacking the pharma­cology of typical psycho­tropic drugs (motor stimul­ation, sedation, etc.).
What's nootropic ?:
Nootro­pics, also known as smart drugs, are cognitive enhancers. They improve mental functions cognition, memory, intell­igence, motiva­tion, attention, focus, concen­tra­tion, alertness and more.
Read more at nextge­n-h­uma­


Natural metabolic regulators that increase the ability of organism to adapt to enviro­nmental factors and to avoid damage from such factors. Nontoxic substance and especially a plant extract that is held to increase the body's ability to resist the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physio­logical functi­oning.
Chemical released by neurons to stimulate neighb­ouring neurons, allowing impulses to be passed from one cell to the next throughout the nervous system. A nerve impulse arriving at the axon terminal of one neuron stimulates release of a neurot­ran­smi­tter, which crosses the micros­copic gap (see synapse) in millis­econds to the adjoining neuron's dendrite. For example acetyl­cho­line, dopamine, and serotonin.
An agent that slows or interferes with a chemical reaction, a substance that reduces the activity of another substance (as an enzyme), a gene that checks the normal effect of another nonallelic gene when both are present.
MAO-B inhibitor
Inhibitor of the enzyme monoamine oxidase B. MAO-B helps break down dopamine; inhibiting it prolongs the action of dopamine in the brain.
A substance, cell, or cellular component from which another substance, cell, or cellular component is formed especially by natural processes.
A substance that acts with another substance to bring about certain effects.
A chemical substance (as a drug) capable of combining with a receptor on a cell and initiating the same reaction or activity typically produced by the binding of an endogenous substance.

Natural Nootropics

Bacopa Monnieri
Bacopa also is an effective antiox­idant and has been used in a number of anti-aging formulas. The primary medical ingredient derived from the Bacopa Monnieri plant is the bacopa­sap­onins alkaloid. Studies of this drug show that it can improve several different factors related to memory at the same time including memory formation, retention of concepts, and restor­ation. The effects of Bacopa as a Nootropic will be best experi­enced with long-term consistent usage.
Has been used for its nootropic benefits for hundreds of years, it is only recently that we discovered the mechanism of action of this supple­ment. Huperz­ine-A blocks the production of acetyl­cho­lin­est­erase – a chemical which breaks down the neurot­ran­smitter Acetyl­choline when there is too much of it. By inhibiting certain receptors that control the amount of acetyl­cho­lin­est­erase produced, Huperz­ine-A is therefore able to indirectly affect acetyl­choline levels. Higher amounts of acetyl­choline lead to improved cognition and learning scores as well as better memory. Acetyl­choline also plays a role in protecting brain cells from dying as well as being necessary in the formation of new brain cells.
Gingko bilboa
The ginkgo tree leaves contain terpenoids and flavonoid glycosides which act as monoamine oxidase inhibi­tors. Ginkgo also improves circul­ation throughout the body, protects organs from free radicals and oxidative damage to the cells and may be able to prevent the formation of blood clots. Ginkgo Biloba has proven effective at enhancing cognition in patients diagnosed with dimension and is used to boost the memory and concen­tra­tion. While it may not be as strong as other nootro­pics, it is a good addition to any natural nootropic stack.
The Lion’s Mane
Mushroom (known by the scientific name of Hericium erinaceus) is an edible mushroom that grows in North America. Lion’s Mane is popular in tradit­ional Chinese medicine serving as an antiox­idant and helping to regulate blood lipid and blood glucose levels. Pills made from Lion’s Mane are even used to treat gastric ulcers. For those interested in the nootropic benefits of this mushroom, a 2009 study from Phytot­herapy Research found that taking this mushroom resulted in improved cognitive ability. Other studies have shown that Lion’s Mane increases nerve growth factor secret­ions. NGF is a protein that is vital to the growth and mainte­nance of neurons in the brain, contri­buting to long-term brain health.
Yerba Mate
Enhance alertness and mental acuity without stimul­ant­-type side effects, like nervou­sness. Yerba mate, appears to give your brain a boost without making you nervous. You feel alert and sharp. Intere­sti­ngly, it actually works as a tonic for the central nervous system, calming the body and the mind. It has also been shown to improve mood and concen­tra­tion, reduce anxiety, and prevent mental fatigue. A typical cup contains up to 10 times more of this stimulant than there is caffeine in a cup of coffee.
Source: bestno­otr­opi­

Movie Drugs (fiction)

NZT-48, Limitless
With the help of a mysterious pill that enables the user to access 100 percent of his brain abilities, a struggling writer becomes a financial wizard, but it also puts him in a new world with lots of dangers.

Nootropics Types

piracetam, oxirac­etam, phenyl­pir­acetam, anirac­etam, nefira­cetam
Vitamins and supple­ments
B Vitamins, Omega - 3, Isofla­vones, Vitamin D
A)Metabolic precursors: L-Phen­yla­lanine, L-Tyro­sine, L-DOPA, Biopterin, Pyrido­xal­-ph­osphate B)Reuptake inhibitors: Aminep­tine, Methyl­phe­nidate, Bupropion C)MAO-B inhibitors: Selegi­line, Rasagi­line, Rhodiola rosea D)Dopamine agonists: Ropini­role, Pramip­exole, Amisul­pride E)Others: Mucuna pruriens (Velvet Bean), Modafinil: Citicoline
A)Amphet­amines: Amphet­amine (Adderall, Dexedr­ine), Lisdex­amf­etamine (Vyvanse), Metham­phe­tamine (Desoxyn) B)Adrene­rgics: Atomox­etine, Reboxe­tine, Synephrine (found in Bitter orange) C)Cholin­ergics: Arecoline, Nicotine D)Eugeroics ("Wa­kef­ulness Enhanc­ers­"): Adrafinil, Armoda­finil, Modafinil E)Xanthines: (reduces fatigue percep­tion): Caffeine, Paraxa­nthine, Theobr­omine, Theoph­ylline
A)Precursors: Choline, DMAE, Meclof­eno­xate, Alpha-GPC B)Cofactors: Acetyl­car­nitine, Vitamin B5 C)Acetyl­cho­lin­est­erase inhibitors: Galant­amine, Ipidacrine (Neiro­midin), Lycoris radiata (Red Spider Lily), Huperzine A, Donepezil, Rosemary, Sage, Celastrus Panicu­latus, Cannabis D)Reuptake inhibitors and enhancers: Colura­cetam, Ginsen­osides Source, Agonists, Ispron­icline, Nicotine, Arecoline
GABA blockers
Surito­zole, A5IA
Glutamate activators
CX-717, IDRA-21, LY-503,430
Propen­tof­ylline, Rolipram, Mesembrine
A)Precursors: 5-HTP, Tryptophan B)Cofactors: Pyridoxal C)Reuptake inhibitors: SSRIs, Sceletium tortuosum, Hypericum perforatum D)MAO-A inhibitors: Resver­atrol, Curcumin, Piperine, Harmal, Rhodiola rosea E)Reuptake enhancers: Tianeptine
Beta blockers, Lemon Balm, Passion Flower, Rhodiola Rosea, St John's Wort, Ginseng (including Siberian ginseng), Suther­landia frutes­cens, Kava—a­nxi­olytic herb, Tea, Theanine, Grape seed extract, Adafen­oxate, Phenibut, Picamilon, Valerian, Butea frondosa, Gotu Kola, Foti, Panax ginseng, Chinese herbs such as Polygala tenuif­olia, Acorus gramineus and Huperzia serrata, Bacopa monnieri, Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum, sweet holy basil)
Blood flow, metabolic
Blessed Thistle, Coenzyme q-10, Creatine, Lipoic acid, Pyritinol, Picamilon, Ginkgo biloba, Vinpoc­etine, Vincamine, Nicerg­oline
histamine antago­nists : The H3, Ciprox­ifan, A-349,821, ABT-239
Nerve growth stimul­ation, protection
Idebenone, Melatonin, Glutat­hione, Acetyl­car­nitine, Inositol, Antico­nvu­lsants, Phosph­ati­dyl­serine, Lion's Mane Mushroom, SAM-e (S-Ade­nosyl methio­nine), Acetyl­cys­teine (L-cys­teine), Uncaria tomentosa (Cat's Claw)
Direct hormones
Vasopr­essin, Pregne­nolone, Orexin
Secondary enhancers
Unknown enhanc­ement
Bacopa monniera (Brahmi), Clitoria ternatea (Shank­hpu­shpi), Fipexide, Gerovital H3, Sulbut­iamine, Royal Jelly, Curcumin
Holy Basil, Tulsi, Ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Ashwaganda (Withania somnif­era), Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)
mexidol, hydergine, noopept, selank, semax, bifeme­lane. Nootropic combin­ation of artichoke extract + forskolin or other combin­ations of 2 or more substa­nces.


Top popular nootropics
Noopept, Pramir­acetam, Modafinil, Adrafinil, Sulbut­iamine, Phenyl­pir­acetam, Anirac­etam, 5-HTP, Huperzine A, Choline (as additional component)
Most used daily nootropics
L-thea­nine, Caffeine, Ginseng, Gingko

WWW sources

It's blog about not only nootropics but things that can help You achieve next level of human existence (under constr­uct­ion).
Wikipedia site about nootro­pics.
Very big list of smart drugs.
Forum about cognitive enhancers.
Another forum about cognitive enhancers.

About this cheatsheet

This document is a summary of a number of articles from various sources about the "­Smart Drugs". I create a blog on this subject which will have much more inform­ation on nootropic drugs but not only. If you like this cheatsheet go to my website http:/­/ne­xtg­en-­hum­ and leave comment : )
Read more on nextge­n-h­uma­


Piracetam is a cognitive enhancer and memory enhancing supple­ment. Many people across the world use the nootropic, piracetam, to effect­ively retain knowledge and improve memory. Piracetam is utilized by both younger and older healthy indivi­duals.
An ampakine and a fat-so­luble nootropic of the racetam chemical class purported to be consid­erably more potent than Piracetam. Aniracetam has the potential of enhancing what is already memorized within ones mind and allows the mind to reach a state of concen­tra­tion. Although Aniracetam is more potent than Piracetam, it has unique functions which allow more stimul­ation of the Acetyl­choline receptors and increased focus and energy within the human brain.
Lipid-­soluble nootropic of the Racetam chemical family, and has a relatively similar chemical structure compared to its cousin Anirac­etam. However, Pramir­acetam is much stronger than Anirac­etam.
Shown in a clinical study to have a wider and more effective range of benefits in comparison with Piracetam. Phenyl­pir­acetam was shown to improve memory functions, problem solving skills, and attention switching. Another study showed Phenyl­pir­acetam had a wide range of benefits including increased locomotion skills, antide­pre­ssant benefits, and memory enhanc­ement.
Racetam and an ampakine that is promoted as a natural method of improving cognitive functions through the stimul­ation of ACh receptors, AMPA receptors and NDMA receptors. There have been clinical studies to suggest Oxiracetam can improve percep­tion, memory, focus, concen­tra­tion, and alertness. In some studies, Oxiracetam has been shown to increase simple reaction times.
Source: smartd­rug­sfo­rth­oug­

Other smart drugs

While commonly considered a stimulant does not stimulate motor coordi­nation like other stimul­ants, and is primarily a cerebral stimulant. Connected with a stimul­ation of Hypocr­etin, Adrafinil increases how alert and awake one feels. A higher level of Hypocretin causes an increase in dopamine, norepi­nep­hrine, and histam­ines. All three of these play a role in overall energy levels, making Adrafinil a choice nootropic to take before a intense workout or long study session.
Source of Acetyl­ech­oline and a fat-so­luble nootropic of the Choline chemical class. Alpha-GPC is widely used to help and to treat Alzhei­mer’s, to help in the recovery of victims of a Stroke, improve the memory and overall mood of people suffering from Dementia. Alpha-GPC is used as a Nootropic supplement to help improve and increase memory and cognition.
CDP Choline
Source of Acetyl­ech­oline and a water-­soluble nootropic of the Choline chemical class. CDP Choline is widely used to help and to treat Alzhei­mer’s and as a Nootropic supplement to help improve and increase memory and cognition. CDP Choline has been shown to counteract neural degene­ration and reduce the number of apoptotic cells present. CDP Choline also helps improve visual function in persons suffering from Glaucoma, and Amblyopia. CDP Choline is known to help increase the glucose metabolism in the brain as well as cerebral blood flow.
Cholin­ergic compound that contains DMAE, and is lipid soluble. Centro­phe­noxine increases the uptake of oxygen and glucose uptake in the brain. Through the increase of glucose uptake, Centro­phe­noxine helps in rectifying the damage done to the brain from aging. The brain uses 20 percent of the body’s oxygen, if the oxygen levels become deficient the brain loses effici­ency. By increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain Centro­phe­noxine helps increase the produc­tiv­eness of the brain all around.
Not just improve scores on tests of learning and memory, it also affects many other variables. L-Theanine has been shown to lower blood pressure, and anxiety. It has also been shown to aid in the improvment of the body’s immune system by increasing the amount of affliction fighting gamma delta T-Cells, and increasing antiba­cterial proteins.
Fat-so­luble nootropic, that passes the Blood Brain Barrier more readily than Thiamine. Sulbut­iamine is known to be cholin­ergic, glutam­atergic and dopami­nergic. The potent­iation of glutam­atergic activity in the Prefrontal Cortex is believed to be one of the Mechanisms of Action that grants Sulbut­iamine the ability to increase memory functi­ona­lity. Sulbut­iamine is shown to cause an increase in cholin­ergic activities in the Hippoc­ampus, this area of the brain plays a pivotal role in the consol­idation of both short and long term memory as well as spatial navigation and memory. Another plausible cause of Sulbut­iamine improving cognition and memory is through the suppre­ssion and reduction of dopamine released in the Prefrontal Cortex. These various Mechanisms of Action make Sulbut­iamine an unders­tan­dable choice in improving cognitive and memory abilities.
Recent nootropic that was first patented in Russia in 1995. Noopept has been shown to have neuro-­pro­tective qualities through the stimul­ation of a protein known as Nerve Growth Hormones (NGH) which plays an active role in reducing and even preventing neuronal degene­ration in the hippoc­ampus. The effective dose range of Noopept in comparison to Piracetam was 1000 times lower and also that spectrum of mneumo­tropic activity was greater in regards to Noopept. This showed that the dipeptide Noopept was much stronger than Piracetam.
Source: smartd­Â­r­ug­­sf­o­­rth­Â­o­ug­­


Brilliant cheat sheet here! Very very informative. I recommend adding to this list also as they have the best Modafinil going at the moment. Perfect for Nootropics lovers.

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