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Elm 1.1.0 Graphics Cheat Sheet by

Standard Elm Graphics.*

Unstru­ctured Graphics

collage : Int -> Int -> List Form -> Element

Creating Forms

filled : Color -> Shape -> Form
gradient : Gradient -> Shape -> Form
outlined : LineStyle -> Shape -> Form
textured : String -> Shape -> Form
toForm : Element -> Form
traced : LineStyle -> Path -> Form

Grouping Forms

group : List Form -> Form
groupT­ran­sform : Transf­orm2D -> List Form -> Form


circle : Float -> Shape
ngon : Int -> Float -> Shape
ngon(s­ides, radius)
oval : Float -> Float -> Shape
oval(w­idth, height)
polygon : List (Float, Float) -> Shape
Specify a list of points of the polygon. Shape will automa­tically close.
rect : Float -> Float -> Shape
rect(w­idth, height)
square : Float -> Shape


image : Int -> Int -> String -> Element
image(­width, height, src)
fitted­Image : Int -> Int -> String -> Element
fitted­Ima­ge(­width, height, src)
croppe­dImage : (Int, Int) -> Int -> Int -> String -> Element
croppe­dIm­age­(or­igin, width, height, src)
tiledImage : Int -> Int -> String -> Element
tiledI­mag­e(w­idth, height, src)

Element Inspection

widthOf : Element -> Int
heightOf : Element -> Int
sizeOf : Element -> (Int, Int)

Layout Aliases

layers : List ELement -> Element
layers == flow outward
above : Element -> Element -> Element
a above b
below : Element -> Element -> Element
a below b
beside : Element -> Element -> Element
a beside b


flow : Direction -> List Element -> Element
right : Direction
up : Direction
outward : Direction
left : Direction
down : Direction
inward : Direction

Transf­orming Forms

alpha : Float -> Form -> Form
move : (Float, Float) -> Form -> Form
moveX : Float -> Form -> Form
moveY : Float -> Form -> Form
rotate : Float -> Form -> Form
scale : Float -> Form -> Form


segment : (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> Path
path : List (Float, Float) -> Path

Line Style Types

type alias LineStyle = {
  dashing:List Int,

type LineCap
  = Flat
  | Round
  | Padded

type LineJoin
  = Smooth
  | Sharp Float
  | Clipped

Line Styles

dashed : Color -> LineStyle
defaul­tLine : LineStyle
dotted : Color -> LineStyle
solid : Color -> LineStyle

Element Styling

width : Int -> Element -> Element
height : Int -> Element -> Element
size : Int -> Int -> Element -> Element
color : Color -> Element -> Element
opacity : Float -> Element -> Element
opacity (0.0:t­ran­sparent - 1.0:op­aque)
link : String -> Element -> Element
create Element that is a hyper-link
tag : String -> Element -> Element
similar to <a> with ID

Positi­oning Elements

empty : Element
flow down [ img1, if showMore then img2 else empty ]
spacer : Int -> Int -> Element
Empty Box
container : Int -> Int -> Position -> Element -> Element
Put an element in a container. By setting the color of the container, you can create borders.

Named Positions

topLeft : Position
midTop : Position
topRight : Position
midLeft : Position
middle : Position
midRight : Position
bottomLeft : Position
midBottom : Position
bottomRight : Position


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