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Behavior Protocols Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Strategies that you will use to help reduce challenging behaviors

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


M engages approp­riately in the enviro­nment:

1. Minimal rate of precursor behaviors (low rates of head flicks, high pitch vocali­zat­ions, pacing)
2. No triggers are present
3. Daily schedu­le/­routine is in place

Triggers (Antec­edents)

Internal Private Events
Activities of daily living (teeth brushing, eating, shower­ing). Including requests to finish tasks or procedures
Removal of preferred activities while M engages in persev­aration
Denial of vocal persev­aration responses
Physio­logical and/or psycho­logical processes that take place in M's body and cannot be observed (excit­ement, anxiety, pain etc)

Strategies to use

Response Strategies
1. Limit access to triggering activities with advance notice
2. Functional Commun­ication (prompt and honor requests for break, more time etc)
3. Offer choice of another preferred activity and redirect (refer to visual schedule if necces­sary)
4. Follow through on demands (modify response effort)


Vocal Persev­ara­tions
High pitch sound (higher rate)
Severe SIB
Video and book persev­ara­tions
Moderate SIB
Severe aggression
Mild SIB
Moderate aggression
Gum picking
High pitch sound
OCD behaviors
Head Flicks
Toe flicking
Antecedent Strategies
1. Predic­table visual schedule
2. Offer options and choices
3. Planed access to preferred activities (bed, videos)
4. Organize enviro­nment in a predic­table way
Conseq­uence (Response) strate­gies:
1. Functional Commun­ica­tion: prompt to request approp­riately for break, more time etc)
2. Attention building: requests to engage in high probab­ility motor and verbal responses)
3. Redirect to another activity, location (prompt incomp­atible behavior)