744 Python Cheat Sheets
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744 Cheat Sheets tagged with Python
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DRAFT: Reglas de estilos en PEP 8 Cheat SheetPEP 8 es la Guía de estilo para el código en Python. Fue creada para proporcionar recomendaciones sobre la escritura de código Python de forma legible y coherente, ayudando a los programadores a seguir un conjunto de estándares comunes.
13 Oct 24
DRAFT: Mean Noise Filter Cheat SheetMean noise filter adalah teknik pengolahan citra yang digunakan untuk mengurangi noise (gangguan atau distorsi) pada gambar dengan cara meratakan nilai piksel dalam suatu area (mask). Filter ini bekerja dengan menghitung rata-rata nilai intensitas piksel di sekitar setiap piksel dalam gambar dan kemudian menggantikan nilai piksel tersebut dengan nilai rata-rata yang telah dihitung.
21 Oct 24
DRAFT: A09 ITAI 1378 CV Cheat SheetThe primary goal of this cheat sheet is to enable students to consolidate and articulate key concepts, methodologies, and tools pertinent to object detection in a succinct and accessible manner. This will be achieved through the creation of a basic cheat sheet which will serve as a quick reference guide for object detection tasks.
24 Oct 24
DRAFT: Categorical Encoding Cheat SheetThis cheatsheet will give you a sneak peek and basic understanding of why and how to encode categorical variables by using scikit learn library. It will show you 3 types of encoding One-Hot Encoding, Ordinal Encoding and Label Encoding.
10 Dec 21
DRAFT: Encoding Categorical Variables in Python Cheat SheetThis cheatsheet will give you a sneak peek and basic understanding of why and how to encode categorical variables by using scikit learn library. It will show you 3 types of encoding One-Hot Encoding, Ordinal Encoding and Label Encoding.
10 Dec 21
Programming Cheat Sheets
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