54 Philosophy Cheat Sheets
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54 Cheat Sheets tagged with Philosophy
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DRAFT: Philosophies of Education Cheat SheetPhilosophy of education is the branch of applied or practical philosophy concerned with the nature and aims of education and the philosophical problems arising from educational theory and practice.
3 Mar 24
DRAFT: Hegel Cheat SheetSummary of Hegel (1770-1831) for the first year course History of Modern Philosophy
20 Mar 23
DRAFT: IPC Cheat SheetResumen con datos tanto de primer parcial como de segundo, con énfasis en los de segundo parcial.
20 Jun 22
DRAFT: Marx & Engels Cheat SheetSummary of Marx and Engels and their mutual ideas and work for the first year course History of Modern Philosophy
20 Mar 23
DRAFT: Descartes Cheat SheetSummary of Réne Descartes (1596-1650) and his meditation, for the first year History of Modern Philosophy course
20 Mar 23
DRAFT: Spinoza Cheat Sheetsummary of Spinoza for the first year History of Modern Philosophy course
20 Mar 23
DRAFT: Leibniz Cheat SheetSummary of Leibniz for the first year course History of Modern Philosophy
19 Mar 23
DRAFT: Conway Cheat SheetSummary of Anne Conway (1631-1679) for the first year course History of Modern Philosophy
20 Mar 23
DRAFT: La Mettrie Cheat SheetSummary of La Mettrie (1709-1751) for the first year course History of Modern Philosophy
20 Mar 23
DRAFT: Hume Cheat SheetSummary of David Hume (1711-1776) for the first year course History of Modern Philosophy
20 Mar 23
DRAFT: Kant Cheat SheetSummary of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) for the first year course History of Modern Philosophy
20 Mar 23
DRAFT: Philosophy Cheat SheetHave you ever asked why you are here? Why do you live? Why do you die? What happens after you die? Philosophy is the history of thought, and can help to answer the questions everyone asks themselves.
13 Sep 17
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