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83 Medicin Cheat Sheets

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83 Cheat Sheets tagged with Medicin

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2 Pages
- Platelets (functions & structure) - Hemostasis - Coagulation (factors & pathways) - Laboratory Evaluation
7 Mar 24
2 Pages
Definiciones de contracción muscular a nivel molecular
27 Dec 23
1 Page
1 Page
Prevention, screening, diagnosis, and management of DM2
13 May 16
3 Pages
The major concepts of the endocrine system for applied practical questions and multiple choice for 2nd Yr Physiology
12 May 16
1 Page
A brief overview of chromosomal diseases
13 Feb 17
1 Page
Paediatrics- neonatal medicine
15 May 17
1 Page
pharmacology - pharmacodynaomcs, pharmacokinetics
10 Mar 18
1 Page
Today we have a variety of chemical products such as soaps and detergents, paints, plastic, medicines, perfumes, flavours, dyes, fertilisers, herbicides, insecticides and many synthetic materials.
11 Jul 18
1 Page
Fast Facts for Week 1 of DERM_MSK
5 Dec 18
2 Pages
5 Pages
1 Page
2 Pages
ICD-10 Codes related to Obstetrics and Gynecology.
2 Apr 20
2 Pages
Cranial nerves lesions
2 Mar 22
1 Page
Anatomy and physiology of Blood-brain and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barriers Nutrient and metabolite transport in and out of the brain Relate blood-CNS barriers to diseases involving CNS
26 Mar 22
2 Pages
cells and subcellular organelles (with approx dimensions) definitions of eukaryote, prokaryote and virus cytoplasm, nucleus, plasma membrane, lysosome, peroxisome, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, cytoskeleton, mitochondrion, chromatin and nucleolus
28 Mar 22

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