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Overview of Hypertension; Risk factors, Classification, Treatment & Management.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Defining Hypert­ension

Blood pressure is the force exerted by circul­ating blood against the walls of the body’s arteries, the major blood vessels in the body.
B.P is written as two numbers: (i)Sys­tolic- the pressure in blood vessels when the heart contracts or beats.(ii) Diasto­lic-the pressure in the vessels when the heart rests between beats.
Hypert­ension is when blood pressure is too high

Risk Factors

Unhealthy Diet (high fat, high sodium, low potassium)
Age > 65
Physical Inactivity
Race (african heritage)
Overweight or Obesity
Family History
Excessive Alcohol consum­ption
Co existing chronic conditions (sleep apnea, renal disease, diabetes)
Smoking Tobacco

Aetiol­ogical Classi­fic­ation

Primary / Essential Hypert­ension - Accounts 95% patients, no specific cause identified
Secondary Hypert­ension - In few cases, due to identi­fiable cause

Secondary Hypert­ension

Several kidney diseases: Diabetic Nephro­pathy (renal parenc­hymal disease)  Polycystic Kidney Disease Glomerular Disease Renova­scular Hypert­ension
Medical conditions (Endoc­rine): Cushing’s Syndrome  Hypera­ldo­ste­ron­ism­(Conn’s Syndrome) Pheoch­rom­ocy­toma  Thyroid Disorders Hyperp­ara­thy­roidism
Medica­tions and supple­ments:* Birth control pills, cold remedies, decong­est­ants, ephedrine, anabolic steroids, cortic­ost­eroids over-t­he-­counter pain relievers and some prescr­iption drugs Illegal drugs- cocaine and amphet­amines
Other possible causes include: Coarct­ation of the Aorta Sleep Apnea  Obesity Pregnancy